Video by Miss Erin Doctor

  • 发音:[ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz]

  • 例句

  1. The two sides are unwilling to compromise,because it is hard for them to reach an agreement under such circumstance.
  2. She says that accepting their proposal would be a compromise of her principles, so she decides to refuse further negotiating with the delegates.
  3. Ryan King, a spokesperson for the UC system, said school administrators have listened to the unions’ priorities, provided fair responses and shown “a genuine willingness to compromise.”
  4. Voters overall continue to see the Democratic Party as more inclusive than the GOP, more willing to compromise to get things done, and better at pushing their agenda in Washington.
  5. Without a resolution to that problem, developing countries will be unable to sufficiently reduce their emissions and less willing to compromise on any other issues—a major impediment to the COP process, which requires unanimous consent.

  • 解释

  1. Compromise这个单词意思较多。首先,其作动词时可表示“to come to agreement by mutual concession”这一含义,即“妥协/折中/互让”,与agree/reach an agreement这些单词、短语构成近义词。

  2. 主要使用场景如下:According to him, their choice was rejected, and his family did not seem willing to compromise.(据他说,他们的选择被拒绝了,他的家人似乎不愿意妥协。)/I am prepared to take some concession on minor details, but I cannot compromise on fundamentals.(我准备在小细节上做出一些让步,但我不能在基本面上妥协。)/The strikes on Kyiv and other cities Tuesday signaled the setbacks in the south were unlikely to immediately change this strategy and persuade Moscow to come to the table willing to compromise.(周二对基辅和其他城市的罢工表明,南部的挫折不太可能立即改变这一战略,并说服莫斯科愿意妥协。)

  3. 其次,compromise作动词时还可以表示“to cause the impairment of something”这一含义,即“使陷入危险/使受到伤害/使受损”,与endanger/threaten/jeopardize这些单词构成近义词。

  4. 主要使用场景如下:Corruption has thrived, because of ineffectiveness in management. So across the board, the provision of services and the quality of care has been compromised.(由于管理上的无能和效率低下,腐败现象猖獗。因此,总体而言,服务的提供和护理质量受到了损害。)/People who experience moderate to severe illness, or have compromised immune systems, should isolate for at least 10 days, the agency said.(该机构表示,患有中度至重度疾病或免疫系统受损的人应隔离至少10天。)/In 2020, a 17-year-old in Florida was arrested after hacking Twitter to obtain user names to sell, compromising the accounts of Elon Musk and other celebrities.(2020年,佛罗里达州一名17岁的少年因入侵Twitter以获取用户名出售而被捕,这损害了马斯克和名人的账户。)

  5. 最后,compromise还可以作为名词使用,其表示“a settlement of differences by consent reached by mutual concessions”这一含义,即“妥协/折中”,与negotiation/agreement/consensus这些单词构成近义词。

  6. 具体使用场景如下:Mr McCarthy’s commitments here could give him more room to work out the kind of compromises necessary to avoid a government shutdown later in the year.(麦卡锡在这里的承诺可能会给他更多的空间来制定必要的妥协,以避免今年晚些时候政府关闭。)/Democrats were as eager as Republicans to reach a compromise, create at least some stability in government finances and avert the economic wreckage.(民主党人和共和党人一样渴望达成妥协,至少在政府财政中创造一些稳定,并避免经济崩溃。)



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