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- A chorale is a type of musical composition typically performed by a choir or a group of singers. It is characterized by its harmonious and melodic structure, often accompanied by instrumental music.
- Chorales are commonly sung in religious settings, such as churches or religious ceremonies, but can also be performed in secular contexts. They often convey a sense of collective singing and create a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere.
- The participants showcased their musical skills by playing a brief individual composition that encompassed a diverse array of high and low tones and various techniques, such as a melodious chorale-like piece and a briskly punctuated march.
- The chosen hymns, known as chorales, were commonly sung in Lutheran churches and were familiar to the congregations. In these performances, the melody was sung by the people while the chorus and instruments provided the supporting harmonies.
- Over the course of many centuries, the musical tradition of the chorales was carefully preserved and refined in Toledo. The Cathedral housed precious books containing the finest collection of chorales, which served as a source of inspiration for churches across Spain and America.
- On a pleasant summer evening, the members of the community came together in the park. Led by a local choir, the enthusiastic crowd joined in singing a cherished patriotic chorale, fostering a feeling of togetherness and instilling a shared sense of pride among all those present.
- Chorale 这个单词做名词使用,其表示“the melody of a Christian hymn, or religious song”这一含义,即“赞美诗/圣咏/合唱歌曲”,与hymn/anthem这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- In the midst of the bustling city, a group of street performers captivated passersby with their impromptu a cappella chorale, showcasing their vocal talents and leaving an indelible impression on those who stopped to listen.(在繁华的城市中,一群街头表演者用他们即兴的无伴奏合唱吸引了路人,展示了他们的声乐才华,给那些停下来听的人留下了不可磨灭的印象。)
–News - Luther had gathered a multitude of well-liked folk melodies from his time, infused them with sacred lyrics, and promoted the singing of these hymns, known as chorales, within Lutheran churches.(路德收集了许多他那个时代广受欢迎的民间旋律,为它们注入了神圣的歌词,并促进了这些赞美诗的演唱,被称为合唱团,在路德教会内。)
–Arts - The prestigious music festival featured a special showcase dedicated to the works of renowned composer Johann Sebastian Bach, highlighted by a mesmerizing chorale performance by an acclaimed chamber choir, demonstrating the timeless beauty and complexity of Bach’s compositions.(这个久负盛名的音乐节设有特别展示著名作曲家约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫作品的特色,备受赞誉的室内合唱团的迷人合唱表演展示了巴赫作品的永恒之美和复杂性。)
–Arts - In the cathedral’s serene atmosphere, the choir’s ethereal voices floated through the air, singing a hauntingly beautiful Gregorian chorale that transported the listeners to a state of tranquility and reflection.(在大教堂宁静的氛围中,合唱团空灵的声音在空中飘荡,唱着令人难以忘怀的美丽格里高利合唱,将听众带入宁静和反思的状态。)
–Culture - The school’s annual holiday concert culminated in a heartwarming performance by the children’s choir, as their angelic voices harmonized in a delightful chorale, spreading cheer and spreading the festive spirit throughout the auditorium.(学校一年一度的节日音乐会在儿童合唱团的温馨表演中达到高潮,他们天使般的声音在令人愉悦的合唱中和谐,在整个礼堂传播欢乐和节日气氛。)