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  1. The adjective cavalier describes a person who displays a carefree or indifferent attitude towards important matters. It suggests a lack of seriousness, concern, or respect for the significance or consequences of their actions.
  2. The term cavalier can also imply a sense of arrogance or superiority, as if the person believes they are above the rules or consequences that others may face.
  3. The administration’s cavalier attitude, characterized by arrogance and a lack of consideration for the concerns of patrons, has strained its relationship with some supporters of the CTG, as evidenced by personal experiences and stories from friends.
  4. In 2016, the relationship between the Israeli technology company and Tesla came to a public disagreement, with the former accusing the latter of being cavalier when it comes to safety—an accusation that holds merit given the numerous ongoing federal safety investigations into Tesla’s driver assists.
  5. The company was one of the first to venture into online journalism, focusing more on speed than on verifying information. As a result, it gained a reputation for making questionable decisions about what news to publish and for having a disrespectful and cavalier attitude.
  6. The airline criticized the airport’s cavalier behaviors of not taking travelers’ needs seriously when it imposed a restriction on the number of daily departures during the summer, allowing only 100,000 passengers to travel each day.
  7. After retiring from GE, Welch faced criticism for his casual and cavalier approach towards offshoring jobs and shutting down American plants, earning him the nickname “Neutron Jack” due to his aggressive cost-saving methods.

  1. Cavalier这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“carefree or indifferent attitude towards important matters, or too proud and look down on others”这一含义,即“漫不经心的/不在乎的/傲慢的”,与arrogant /presumptuous/haughty这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The case provides valuable insights for regulators in Europe and other jurisdictions as they tackle the issues of anti-competitive behavior, tax evasion, and a dismissive approach towards user data and hate speech by tech giants like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, who have been criticized for their cavalier attitude.(该案件为欧洲和其他司法管辖区的监管机构提供了宝贵的见解,因为他们解决了反竞争行为、逃税以及谷歌、苹果、Facebook和亚马逊等科技巨头对用户数据和仇恨言论不屑一顾态度的问题,这些巨头因其傲慢的态度而受到批评。)
  • The casual and dismissive response of certain African American Dolphins players in defending Incognito, despite his use of a racial slur, exemplifies the cavalier attitude prevalent in the black community towards its usage.(尽管英科格尼托使用了种族诽谤,但某些非裔美国海豚队球员在为英科格尼托辩护时的随意和不屑一顾反应体现了黑人社区弥漫的毫不在乎的冷漠态度。)
  • In a Science paper published earlier this year, scientists and policymakers are urged to be careful and realistic when considering negative emissions, and not make cavalier assumptions about future technological breakthroughs.(在今年早些时候发表的一篇科学论文中,科学家和政策制定者被要求在考虑负排放时要谨慎和现实,不要对未来的技术突破做出傲慢假设。)
  • Superhero comics emphasize the significance of the commitment to refrain from killing, even for those who are completely cavalier about using deadly force.(超级英雄漫画强调承诺避免杀戮的重要性,即使对于那些对使用致命武力完全傲慢的人来说也是如此。)
  • Seth Meyers, a former news anchor on “Saturday Night Live’s” Weekend Update segment, strongly condemned Republican primary candidates for their cavalier and indifferent attitude towards the recent mass shooting in Oregon.(塞思·迈耶斯是“周六夜现场”周末更新部分的前新闻主播,他强烈谴责共和党初选候选人对俄勒冈州最近发生的大规模枪击事件的傲慢和冷漠态度。)


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