Image by Kireyonok_Yuliya on Freepik
- To bask is to indulge in the enjoyment and delight of a particular experience, feeling, or environment. It’s like immersing yourself in something that brings you happiness and contentment, relishing every bit of its positive impact on you.
- Imagine sitting on a beautiful beach on a sunny day. The warm rays of the sun caress your skin, making you feel pleasantly warm and relaxed. The gentle breeze brushes against your face, and the sound of waves crashing nearby creates a soothing melody. In this moment, you are basking in the joy and serenity of the beach, fully absorbing the positive sensations and allowing them to engulf your senses.
- Similarly, when you achieve a personal goal or receive recognition for your hard work, you might bask in the pride and satisfaction that come with your accomplishment. It’s like reveling in the sense of achievement, savoring every bit of success and happiness that it brings you.
- With the summer season starting, countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea offered tourists a chance to bask in their famously sunny beaches, all while implementing social distancing measures to protect them from the virus, which continues to spread worldwide.
- The bed, surrounded by walls on three sides, provided a delightful spot for our curious little baby to bask in the abundance of natural light and observe the graceful movements of swaying branches and the lively flights of bright blue birds on the other side of the glass during tummy time, all the while remaining safe from mosquitoes.
- As company profits improve, Japan’s economy, ranked as the world’s third-largest, is basking in a post-pandemic glow, with the long-awaited return of inflation, a surge in consumer spending, and the revival of foreign tourists.
- Investors and analysts have warned that Silicon Valley startups, currently basking in billion-dollar valuations, could face a long-overdue reckoning as the global panic triggered by the volatile Chinese markets takes its toll.
- Bask这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere, or get enjoyment from; take pleasure in”这一含义,即“晒太阳/取暖/享受(阳光、温暖、荣誉、快乐等)或者沉浸于(阳光、温暖、喜悦)中”,与relax/enjoy/relish/indulge这些单词构成近义词。另外,该单词常与介词in连用,构成“bask in”这一结构。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The majority of Silicon Valley basks in the delights of Moore’s Law, which is the prophetic 1965 declaration behind the continuous improvement in computing power, making it cheaper and faster at a remarkable pace.(大多数硅谷人都沉浸在摩尔定律的乐趣中,摩尔定律是1965年计算能力不断提高背后的预言性宣言,使计算能力以惊人的速度更便宜,更快。)
–Technology - Scientists cautioned earlier this week about the excessive presence of plastic bottles and packaging on some of the UK’s most picturesque beaches and secluded coastline, putting wildlife in jeopardy, including basking sharks and puffins.(本周早些时候,科学家们警告说,在英国一些最美丽的海滩和僻静的海岸线上,塑料瓶和包装过多,使野生动物处于危险之中,包括享受日光浴的鲨鱼和海雀。)
–Science - Despite experiencing a clear sense of disappointment from the 2-0 loss, Saudi fans found themselves basking in the glow of their team’s incredible triumph against Argentina earlier this week, a momentous upset in the history of the World Cup.(尽管对2-0的失利感到明显的失望,但沙特球迷发现自己沉浸在本周早些时候对阵阿根廷的令人难以置信的胜利的光芒中,这是世界杯历史上的重大冷门。)
–Sports - As the market basks in the potential of the reflation trade, some members express a nagging concern that the Goldilocks condition is edging dangerously close to transforming into outright inflation.(随着市场沉浸在通货再膨胀交易的潜力中,一些成员表达了一种挥之不去的担忧,即金发姑娘的状况正危险地接近转变为彻底的通货膨胀。)
–Business - In the chapter titled “The Mecca,” Forbes provides readers with the chance to bask in Watson’s enthusiastic monologue about the consciousness and cultural variation that Howard University instilled in its students.(在题为“麦加”的章节中,福布斯为读者提供了沉浸在沃森关于霍华德大学灌输给学生的意识和文化差异的热情独白中的机会。)