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  1. The word “atone” means to do something good to make up for something bad you did. It’s like trying to fix a mistake by doing something nice. For instance, if you broke your friend’s toy, you might atone by helping them fix it or getting them a new one. It’s about making things right after doing something wrong.
  2. To atone for dishonoring your ancestors, you had to seek guidance from a traditional healer or tribal elder, who would communicate with the ancestors and convey sincere apologies.
  3. In “Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of Israel not only serves to atone for her roles in “Life of the Party” and “The Happytime Murders,” but also stands as a testament to her exceptional acting range and ability.
  4. As part of its efforts to atone for the lapse in not ending loans to crime syndicate members for over two years, Japan’s second-largest bank is anticipated to present this measure to regulators on Monday.
  5. A key penalty thwarted Taylor Heinicke’s chance to atone for a previous fourth-quarter interception with a last-minute drive, marking the second week in a row that the Commanders quarterback faced this scenario.
  6. To atone for their involvement in diesel emissions cheating, the German automaker has agreed to allocate $800 million in California and a total of $2 billion nationwide towards clean car infrastructure.

  1. Atone这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to act in a way that shows you are sorry for doing sth wrong in the past”这一含义,即“赎罪/弥补(过错或错误)”,与apologize/redeem这些单词构成近义词。另外,该单词在实际使用时多与介词for连用,构成“atone for”这一结构。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Dr. Anderson’s pioneering research into sustainable energy sources aimed to atone for decades of environmental neglect, offering a glimpse of hope for a greener future.(安德森博士对可持续能源的开创性研究旨在弥补数十年的环境忽视,为更绿色的未来提供一瞥希望。)
  • In response to the privacy breach, TechGen Corporation launched a comprehensive initiative to atone for the compromised data, incorporating advanced encryption methods and conducting educational workshops on online security.(为了应对隐私泄露事件,TechGen 公司发起了一项全面的计划,以弥补受损的数据,采用先进的加密方法并举办有关在线安全的教育研讨会。)
  • After the unfortunate defeat in the previous season, quarterback Jackson Adams dedicated himself to rigorous training, aiming to atone for the loss and lead his team to victory in the upcoming championship.(在上个赛季不幸失利后,四分卫杰克逊·亚当斯致力于严格的训练,旨在弥补损失并带领他的球队在即将到来的锦标赛中取得胜利。)
  • In the wake of the ethical scandal, CEO Emily Roberts embarked on a mission to atone for the company’s wrongdoing, implementing a robust corporate social responsibility program and fostering a culture of transparency.(在道德丑闻发生后,首席执行官艾米丽·罗伯茨开始了一项使命,为公司的不法行为赎罪,实施强有力的企业社会责任计划并培养透明文化。)
  • Renowned filmmaker Sofia Ramirez created her latest documentary to atone for the lack of diversity in the industry, showcasing the stories of underrepresented voices and striving to spark meaningful conversations on inclusion.(著名电影制片人索菲亚·拉米雷斯创作了她的最新纪录片,以弥补该行业缺乏多样性的问题,展示了代表性不足的声音的故事,并努力激发有意义的包容性对话。)


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