• 发音:[ˌæsərˈteɪn]
  • 例句:
  1. The verb ascertain means to find out and determine something; More importantly, it is a formal word, which is usually used to express the meaning of discovering the facts or truth through examination or experimentation.
  2. Nowadays, although there tons of information on the internet, the truly valuable ones are increasingly hard to be ascertained
  3. Russia has lost more than 15,000 troops, according to comments in late July by the head of the CIA, who said it was difficult to ascertain an exact number.
  4. The professor’s study surveyed 561 people to ascertain whether couples who used those strategies were getting on with their partners better during the pandemic, and found that they did.
  5. We use mathematical and computational techniques to ascertain whether or not the digital media—images, audio, and video—has been manipulated by some wrongdoers.  
  • 解释:
  1. Ascertain这个单词为动词,表示“discover the facts or truth by experimenting or examining”这一含义,即“查明/弄清/确认/确定”,与discover/confirm/verify/double-check这些单词构成近义词。另外,该单词通常用于书面正式场合。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • About 80 homes have been evacuated and road closures will remain in place until engineers ascertain the area is safe.(大约80所房屋已被疏散,道路封闭将继续存在,直到工程师确定该地区是安全的。)
  • Authorities are still trying to ascertain the number of displaced households and the full extent of damages caused by the disasters.(当局仍在努力确定流离失所家庭的数量以及灾害造成的全部损失。)
  • Nielsen Media Research, the television-ratings company, will be partnering with Facebook to ascertain what television viewers are watching on their tablets and other mobile devices.(电视评级公司尼尔森媒体研究公司将与Facebook合作,以确定电视观众在平板电脑和其他移动设备上观看的内容。)


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