
Image by The Alphabet

  1. The term arcane refers to something that is not easily understood or known by most people due to its mysterious, obscure, or complex nature. It implies a level of secrecy or exclusivity, suggesting that the information or knowledge is limited to a select few or those with specialized expertise in a particular field.
  2. Arcane concepts or ideas may be covered in symbolism, coded language, or intricate systems that require extensive study, research, or experience to unravel. They may be associated with ancient traditions, long-lost wisdom, or rare insights that are not commonly accessible.
  3. McCarthy’s intricate works delve into the realms of arcane scientific and metaphysical subjects that have long held his fascination: the cryptic realm of quantum physics, the profound realm of mathematical philosophy, and enigmatic theories concerning the nature of consciousness.
  4. Gone are the days when technicians had to grapple with arcane text commands for every networking device, thanks to the software that now simplifies their tasks, streamlining configuration and changes across the network.
  5. Britons may find baseball somewhat arcane due to its rules, which can make the game seem incomprehensible, just as Americans may struggle to grasp the finer points of cricket.
  6. Although Medicare billing codes may be considered a mundane and arcane subject, they kindle the keen interest of doctors, hospitals, therapists, and others. This is because these codes form the foundation for healthcare charges in the United States.
  7. In a swift response, Nvidia implemented chip modifications and devised software aids, such as adopting a commonly-used programming language instead of the arcane tools previously utilized to issue commands to graphics chips.

  1. Arcane这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“not easily understood or known by most people due to its mysterious, obscure, or complex nature”这一含义,即“神秘的/晦涩难懂的/模糊的/只属于小范围的”,与esoteric/mysterious/enigmatic/obscure这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Researchers have pointed out that despite its arcane nature, atom interferometry holds promising applications in detecting gravitational waves and enhancing navigation systems beyond the capabilities of GPS.(研究人员指出,尽管原子干涉测量法具有神秘的性质,但它在探测引力波和增强导航系统方面具有广阔的应用前景,超出了GPS的能力。)
  • With a star rating awarded by Publisher’s Weekly, the book is hailed as a captivating sequel that skillfully weaves together interstellar battles, politics, intrigue, and arcane technology.(这本书被《出版商周刊》评为星级,被誉为一部引人入胜的续集,巧妙地将星际战斗、政治、阴谋和神秘技术编织在一起。)
  • Fantasy storytelling became widely popularized through works like “Game of Thrones,” the Harry Potter books and movies, and “The Lord of the Rings,” introducing arcane nomenclatures such as orcs, sorting hats, and Valyrian steel to a broader audience.(奇幻叙事通过《权力的游戏》、哈利波特书籍和电影以及《指环王》等作品广泛普及,向更广泛的观众介绍了兽人、分院帽和瓦雷利亚钢等晦涩难懂的命名法。)
  • The coach, known for his deep knowledge and expertise in the game, implemented an arcane system of offensive and defensive plays, incorporating intricate formations and complex player movements, leaving the spectators bewildered and the opposing team struggling to decipher the cryptic strategies unfolding on the field.(这位教练以其深厚的知识和专业知识而闻名,他实施了一个神秘的进攻和防守系统,融合了复杂的阵型和复杂的球员动作,让观众感到困惑,对方球队也难以破译球场上展开的神秘策略。)


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