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  • 发音:[ˈæfəb(ə)l]

  • 例句:
  1. Jim is a lively, affable young fellow because he always treats others friendly.
  2. Affable people generally seem like they’re in a good mood and are happy to see you.
  3. The show was hosted by the affable James Corden, of CBS’s “The Late Late Show,” though he only occupied about fifteen or twenty minutes of screen time, all told.
  4. The affable front desk staff gave us directions whenever we asked and fulfilled requests for wake-up calls and a taxi to the airport.
  5. Friends and adversaries of Moore describe him as an affable person who’s quick to organize dinner parties and talk with pride about his three sons.
  6. Some of those signs are purely cosmetic: State media portray Kim as an affable modernist by presenting him alongside his stylish wife and showing him delighting in performances by miniskirt-wearing pop stars.

  • 解释:

  1. Affable这个单词为形容词,其表示“friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to”这一含义,即“和蔼可亲的/平易近人的/友善的”,与friendly/amiable/cordial等单词构成近义词。

  2. 实际使用时多用来形容某人是一个“友善的/和蔼的”人或者用来表示某人的态度、行为“平易近人的/和蔼的”。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Though wealthy, Bill Gates is affable to all.(虽然富有,但比尔盖茨对所有人都和蔼可亲。)
  • All the employees are affable, fiendishly smart, and dedicated to the unique challenges and rewards of producing good theater.(所有员工都和蔼可亲,非常聪明,并致力于制作优质戏剧的独特挑战和回报。)
  • If you are stuck on an airplane and also sit next to someone affable, the trip won’t be so boring because that person will be easy to chat with. (如果你被困在飞机上,旁边是一个和蔼可亲的人,这次旅行不会那么糟糕,因为那个人很容易聊天。)


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