- If you adore or deeply love someone, you can describe that feeling as adoration.
- The doctor has earned the adoration of his patients.
- Some people may say animals don’t have emotions, but you know from the adoration in your dog’s eyes that it’s just not true.
- If you’re the boss, a subordinate’s adoration can be very alluring, and if you’re subordinate, validation from an authority figure might be a turn on.
- I cannot see her ever becoming a loved and cherished member of the royal family with the unified respect and adoration of the British people.
- In the early 2000s, a group of young players — Darius Miles, Lamar Odom and Quentin Richardson among them — earned fans’ adoration with their fun personalities and the playing style of an ultra-talented pickup team.
- Adoration这个单词为名词,表示“Adoration is a feeling of deep love.”这一含义, “即崇拜/爱慕/敬慕”,与worship/idolization/admiration/glorification/appreciation这些单词构成近义词。
- 实际使用时,如果希望表示“对某人或者某事深深爱慕或者喜欢”,则可以使用该单词,具体使用场景如下:
- I can see the adoration Romeo had for Juliet in his eyes.(我能从罗密欧的眼神中看到他对朱丽叶的爱慕。)
—Culture - This dog has been with the old man for 10 ten years, so there is full of adoration in his eyes when he looks at her. (这只狗已经和老人在一起10年了,所以他看着她的时候,眼神里充满了爱慕。)
—News - Devoted fans have too much adoration for Bob Dylan because he is always their hero.(忠实的粉丝对鲍勃·迪伦有太多的崇拜,因为他永远是他们的英雄。)
—Arts - Last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk was bombarded with hundreds of questions from fans via Twitter — along with declarations of adoration and the occasional aspersions — ahead of the company’s annual shareholder meeting on June 5th.(上周,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在6月5日的公司年度股东大会之前,通过Twitter收到了粉丝们的数百个问题,以及崇拜的声明和偶尔的诽谤。)