Context of Rampant

When high school English teacher Kelly Gibson first encountered ChatGPT in December, existential anxiety kicked in fast. While the internet delighted in the chatbot’s superficially sophisticated answers to users’ prompts, educators like Gibson were less amused. If anyone could ask ChatGPT to “write 300 words on what the green light symbolizes in The Great Gatsby,” what would stop students from feeding their homework to the bot? Speculation swirled about a new era of rampant cheating and a death knell for essays, even education itself. “I thought, ‘Oh my God, this is literally what I teach,’” Gibson says.

But amid the panic, some enterprising teachers began to see ChatGPT as an opportunity to redesign what learning looks like. After her initial alarm, Gibson became one of them. She spent her winter break playing with the bot and figuring out ways to work it into her lessons. Gibson, who has been teaching for 25 years, came to view ChatGPT more along the lines of familiar tech tools that enhance, not replace, learning and critical thinking. “I don’t know how to do it well yet, but I want AI chatbots to become like calculators for writing,” she says.

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–How can teachers and students use ChatGPT and AI | Video by Bloomberg Technology


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