Context of Mental masturbation

Are you someone who frequently gets an ‘A-ha!’ moment but never gets around to executing it? Do you often find your mind racing with a bunch of ideas that keep you up all night? Do you have lots of lofty goals, but find the action part boring and less stimulating?

The ‘a-ha’ moment that comes when engaging in mental masturbation can be addictive. When you get an idea, you spend a lot of time finding the ‘missing piece’ that will make everything fall into place. Remember, our brains are naturally attracted to symmetry, neatness, and finality – even when reality is, in fact, much messier.

Perhaps your life starts making a lot of sense when you imagine the success that a certain project will yield. All of this feels really good until the time actually comes to start the work.


Which of the following BEST interprets the meaning of “mental masturbation” in the passage?

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