Context of Stampede

Buffalo, or bison, provided Plains Indians with meat and with hides, from which they made clothing, bedding, portable houses (tipis), kettles, shields, and other items. They made tools from buffalo bones and containers and arrowheads from buffalo horns, and they used most other buffalo parts as well. Limited to travel by foot, Plains hunters stampeded herds of bison into small box canyons or over cliffs, killing dozens, or occasionally hundreds.

The word “stampede” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Stampede

A Google insider mentioned the “tragedy of the commons,” where publicly accessible resources attract a stampede of users, and their excessive use ultimately leads to the decline of the intended shared benefit, much like a stampede causing damage.


State scientists aimed to increase the pupfish population in the new springs and safeguard their habitat. However, some of the new ponds were stampeded by invasive bass, while others were overrun by cattails.


As electric vehicles become more affordable and people realize that gasoline cars may lose their value and become hard to sell, consumers could stampede towards buying electric cars, causing a sudden rush in demand.


In October 2020, prompted by the pandemic, the French Tennis Federation rescheduled the tournament from late spring to early fall, and during this adjusted season, Nadal stampeded through the competition, winning every match without losing a single set.


The government reported that in January, the number of Americans who visited Cuba had increased by 125 percent compared to the same month the previous year, describing it as a “virtual stampede.”

–Arts and Culture


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