Context of Precedence

In some Native American societies, such as the Iroquois, the extended families of women took precedence over those of men. Upon marriage, a new husband moved in with his wife’s extended family. The primary male adult in a child’s life was the mother’s oldest brother, not the father. Other Indian societies recognized men’s extended families as primary, and still others did not distinguish sharply between the status of female and male family lines.

The word “precedence” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Precedence

A Tesla representative stated that safety takes precedence over production, noting that even as production increased by 20% last year, the injury rate decreased by more than 20%.


Horsburgh argues that giving precedence to genetic data over archaeological and anthropological insights hinders meaningful scholarly dialogue, terming this bias “molecular chauvinism.”


Last week, the company opted not to release its full-year financial forecast as planned, indicating a focus on assuring customers that quality control takes precedence over financial results.


While Grand Slams are the highlight of the tennis season and often have precedence over other events, many players still participate in tournaments across Asia from September 20 to October.


The belief that “the customer is always right” has long held precedence in the food service industry, often prioritizing customer satisfaction over the safety and well-being of workers.

–Arts and Culture


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