Context of Enormous

Leitmotifs can be developed and varied throughout the score (a musical composition), reinforcing associations and becoming more and more powerful as a film progresses. The final reiteration of a leitmotif — especially when it coincides with the end of a film— can have an enormous emotional impact. Still, not all Hollywood composers privilege melody—just try humming the shower sequence from Bernard Herrmann’s score for Psycho (1960)—but melody is nonetheless a powerful tool for shaping a score.

The word “enormous” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Enormous

Chatbots tap into an enormous technology called a large language model (LLM), which gains its skills by analyzing vast volumes of digital text obtained from the internet.


By analyzing enormous amounts of data on ocean movements, researchers can predict the likelihood of encountering a massive wave while at sea at any given time.


Officials from auto companies have mentioned their dependence on joint ventures to access the expertise of other manufacturers and to secure the enormous amounts of capital needed for such extensive projects.


While some doubt Saudi Arabia’s attempts to enter global sports through financial means and question why players earn enormous salaries, the enduring reality remains: money has always held significant sway in soccer.


Starbucks’ CEO, Howard Schultz, referred to the company’s global potential in cold coffee as “simply enormous” after cold drinks constituted 75 percent of the total beverage sales in 2021.

–Arts and Culture


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