Context of Copious

Outside the Southwest and the Eastern Woodlands, farming north of Mesoamerica was either impossible because of inhospitable environments or impractical because native peoples could obtain ample food from wild sources. On the Northwest coast, from the Alaskan geographical area to northern California, and in the Columbia Plateau, Native Americans devoted brief periods of each year to catching salmon and other spawning fish, which they dried and stored in quantities sufficient to last the year.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of synonyms?

Examples with Copious

Amid concerns over privacy, Jimmy finds himself in the company of others who are reluctant to trust the search giant, and notable instances have emerged where users resorted to legal action against Google, alleging the improper collection of copious user data, even in cases where such data collection appeared unjustified.


Galaxies lack of dark matter are highly problematic, particularly because previous examinations of galaxies that appeared to contain copious amounts of dark matter were the catalyst for astronomers to postulate the widespread presence of dark matter in our universe.


The company would also accumulate copious customer data, which not only assists advertisers in pinpointing their target audiences more accurately but also contributes to generating additional revenue for content funding.


Japan’s media poured copious attention into Japan’s stunning victory over Ireland on Saturday, reflecting the outpouring of joy that greeted the biggest upset in Rugby World Cup history.


Utilizing the split screen technique in copious amounts, it calls to memory Warhol’s “Chelsea Girls,” where images from two projectors are placed side by side, with the soundtrack alternating between the film strips, enabling viewers to establish connections.



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