Take something to heart

Take something to heart

–Take something to heart | Image by by kroshka__nastya on Freepik


A famous saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” The government of Kenya seems to have taken this lesson to heart — on 13 November it gave people the day of work and school to plant trees. The decision to declare the day a national holiday was made in an effort to tackle deforestation(when large areas of trees are cut down), which causes other problems such as flooding and species loss.

BBC News
Explanations and Usages

Take something to heart” refers to the act of internalizing or deeply considering something, particularly an idea, advice, criticism, or an experience. It involves more than just understanding it on a surface level; it implies a profound emotional impact or a significant degree of personal relevance.

When someone takes advice to heart, they not only listen to the advice but also internalize it deeply, often applying it to their life or decisions. For example, if a teacher advises a student to study harder, and the student takes it to heart, it means they genuinely reflect on this advice and are likely to make changes in their study habits because of it.

Similarly, when someone takes criticism to heart, it means they feel deeply affected by the criticism. It might lead them to reflect on their behavior or actions and consider making changes based on the critique.

Taking something to heart can also occur with positive experiences. For instance, if someone receives heartfelt compliments and takes them to heart, it means they genuinely appreciate and internalize the positive feedback, possibly using it to boost their confidence or motivation.

In essence, the phrase “take something to heart” involves a significant emotional and personal investment in what is being communicated, whether it’s advice, criticism, or positive feedback. It’s about going beyond understanding to deeply feeling and considering the implications of that information or experience.

  • After her teacher’s encouraging words about her writing skills, Sarah took the praise to heart and felt inspired to pursue a career in journalism.
  • Upon receiving constructive suggestions from Mrs. Rodriguez on his history essay, Alex not only valued the feedback but also took it to heart, diligently revising his work to incorporate the recommended improvements and enhance his overall writing skills.


  • The interns talk too much and fail to take to heart the thoughts, insights, and suggestions from their colleagues.
  • From the outset, the Obama administration took the central and straightforward lesson of the 2008 financial crisis to heart, recognizing its significance and incorporating it into their approach.


  • Chief Marketing Officers must spend a considerable amount of time taking to heart the lessons of the modern startup.
  • While there is frequent debate among analysts about Apple’s substantial cash reserves, it appears that the company is giving serious consideration to the well-known advice from the Oracle of Omaha, taking it to heart in their strategic decisions.


  • The science principles in this article are sensible and should be taken to heart.
  • Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman, from the University of Chicago, advises researchers to take to heart the adage of former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Never let a crisis go to waste.


  • In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, it appears that the country has taken to heart this principle in the past month.
  • Americans are increasingly taking to heart Mark Twain’s advice that having too much of anything is not good, but having an abundance of good whiskey is just about right.

–Arts and Culture


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