Keep an eye out for

Keep an eye out for

–Keep an eye out for | Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik


It seems to be busiest by the water this month, with flocks of ducks and waders having arrived from the Arctic and northern Europe, but there is plenty of birdlife to be found in fields and forests too. Keep an eye out for raptors and owls, which may be spotted flying over roads. At this time of year many mammals prefer to stay tucked up somewhere warm. You may feel the same, but if you put on your coat and boots, and venture outdoors, there are plenty of fellow mammals that you may spot. You won't see many bats, dormice or hedgehogs because they will be hibernating by now but badgers, foxes and deer are relatively easy to see.

The Week Junior
Explanations and Usages

Keep an eye out for” is a phrase we use when we want someone to be watchful or vigilant about something. It means paying attention or being on the lookout for a particular thing, person, or situation. It’s like asking someone to be aware and to actively look for something specific, such as watching for a friend at a busy event or being alert for any changes in a situation.

For example, if a teacher says, “Keep an eye out for the principal,” they mean to watch for the principal’s arrival or presence. Or if a parent tells you to “keep an eye out for your little brother,” they want you to watch over and make sure he’s safe or not getting into trouble.

It’s a way of asking someone to be attentive and observant, usually for a particular purpose or to ensure safety or awareness.

  • When we review scientific literature, it’s imperative to keep an eye out for conflicting evidence that might impact the conclusions drawn.
  • Scholars engaged in sociological research are compelled to continuously keep an eye out for societal shifts and nuanced cultural changes to accurately reflect the dynamic nature of human behavior.


  • Customers should keep an eye out for updates to this page as the sale continues for more complexion-enhancing deals and steals.
  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders must keep an eye out for market trends and consumer behaviors, adapting strategies to capitalize on emerging opportunities and ensure sustained growth and competitiveness in the dynamic landscape of commerce.


  • While designing the new smartphone, the engineers were vigilant to keep an eye out for any hardware defects.
  • Within the realm of artificial intelligence development, researchers and scientists diligently keep an eye out for breakthroughs in quantum computing that could revolutionize data processing capabilities.


  • Astronomy fans headed outside for a look at the full moon can also keep an eye out for the Geminids meteor shower, which is set to continue until Dec. 24.
  • The research team, guided by their mentor Dr. Alvarez, was urged to keep an eye out for any irregularities in the biodiversity patterns, as even subtle changes could offer valuable insights into the delicate balance of the environment.


  • In between servings of stuffing and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving, people don’t forget to keep an eye out for early Black Friday deals.
  • During their journey to the Pacific, Thomas Jefferson, known by the nickname Mr. Mammoth due to his keen interest in fossils, advised Lewis and Clark to keep an eye out for mastodons.

–Arts and Culture


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