At risk of

–At risk of | Image by Klub Boks


The Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland is saying goodbye to a pair of beloved giant pandas, who are returning to China after a 12-year stay in the country. Named Tian Tian and Yang Guang, the pandas arrived in Scotland in 2011 as part of an arrangement with China. As the only giant pandas in the UK, Tian Tian and Yang Guang were a big draw for visitors. Zookeepers also worked on conservation of the species, which is at risk of dying out. As the animals departed, zoo officials said they were celebrating “the tremendous impact these two charismatic bears have had...helping to create a world where nature is protected, valued, and loved.”

China Daily
Explanations and Usages

At risk of” is a phrase used to describe a situation where something or someone faces the possibility of experiencing harm, danger, or negative consequences. It indicates a state of vulnerability or exposure to potential harm.

For example, imagine a student who has been missing many classes and not completing assignments. We might say they are “at risk of failing” because their behavior puts them in a situation where they might not pass their classes.

Similarly, a person living in an area prone to flooding is “at risk of flooding” when heavy rains occur. This means there’s a possibility or a danger that their home or property might be affected by the rising water levels.

So, “at risk of” essentially signals a condition where there’s a chance or a heightened probability of something undesirable happening based on certain circumstances or behaviors.

  • Students who don’t attend classes regularly are at risk of falling behind in their studies.
  • When students consistently neglect their homework and classroom participation, they become at risk of academic struggle, finding it challenging to grasp the concepts taught and potentially facing lower grades due to their lack of engagement.


  • Companies that ignore market trends are at risk of losing customers like Apple or Google.
  • Failure to adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements in the industry places established corporations such as Microsoft or Amazon at risk of stagnation and eventual decline in market relevance and profitability.


  • Without proper cybersecurity measures, businesses using tech giants like Tencent or Alibaba are at risk of data breaches.
  • As reliance on digital infrastructure grows, companies incorporating cloud services from major players such as Baidu or Huawei, without stringent data protection protocols, are at risk of significant cyber threats, potentially compromising sensitive information and undermining their operations’ integrity.


  • Cutting-edge experiments conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University are at risk of being compromised without stringent security protocols.
  • The collaboration between international scientific institutions like the Chinese Academy of Sciences and universities such as Fudan University brings about remarkable discoveries, yet the absence of strict patent regulations may render these institutions at risk of unauthorized replication of innovative findings.


  • Unprotected heritage sites, like the Great Wall of China or the Forbidden City, are at risk of damage from natural disasters or vandalism.
  • The inadequacy of global preservation initiatives and funding puts renowned cultural treasures like the Terracotta Army in Xi’an or the Dunhuang Caves at risk of irreparable damage, threatening the preservation of these invaluable global heritage sites and potentially erasing crucial chapters of human history and artistry.

–Arts and Culture


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