Come true

–Come true | Image by kjpargeter on Freepik


When Japan beat Germany at the 2022 men's football World Cup, many people were shocked — but not Taiyo the otter. Before the match, Taiyo, who lives at the Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa in Japan, was asked to place a football in one of three buckets. One had a Japanese flag stuck on it, another had the German flag, and the third had the word "draw" written on it. Taiyo placed his ball in the Japan bucket, and the next day his prediction came true with a 2-1 win to Japan.

Explanations and Usages

The phrase “come true” refers to the realization or fulfillment of a desire, wish, dream, or prediction. It suggests that something anticipated or hoped for has actually happened or become a reality.

For instance, when someone says “My dream of becoming a doctor came true,” it means that their aspiration or goal of becoming a doctor has been achieved or realized. Similarly, if someone wishes for something to happen and it does happen later, they might say “My wish came true.”

This phrase is commonly used to express joy, satisfaction, or relief when something longed for or anticipated has finally happened. It emphasizes the transition from a state of anticipation or hope to the actual occurrence of the desired event or outcome.

“Come true” is often associated with positive or favorable events but can also be used in a more neutral or even negative context. Its usage varies depending on the situation and the nature of the wish, dream, or prediction being discussed.

  • The student’s dream of studying abroad came true.

  • After years of hard work and dedication, his lifelong ambition to earn a scholarship and attend a prestigious university finally came true, bringing immense joy and fulfillment to his educational journey.


  • The merger between Smith & Co. and Johnson Enterprises finally came true.
  • Sarah’s entrepreneurial dream of establishing a successful tech startup, “InnovateTech Solutions,” finally came true after overcoming numerous challenges and securing substantial funding from investors.


  • The release of Apple’s latest innovation came true with the unveiling of the iPhone 4.
  • Mark had always envisioned revolutionizing communication, and with the development and launch of his brainchild, “NeuroConnect,” a groundbreaking neural interface device, his dream of merging technology with human cognition came true, hitting the milestone in the field of neuroscience.


  • The discovery of a new exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri came true for the research team at Kepler Observatory.
  • Dr. Johnson dedicated decades of research to unraveling the mysteries of genetic engineering, and her pioneering work at the CRISPR Institute led to the groundbreaking breakthrough where the modification of specific genes to treat hereditary diseases finally came true.


  • The premiere of the latest play by Shakespeare Company came true with astounding reviews.
  • The Guggenheim Museum’s ambitious exhibition, showcasing a fusion of classical art and modern digital installations curated by renowned artist Maria Gutierrez, finally came true after years of planning and collaboration.

–Arts and Culture

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