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- The word decisive describes the quality or characteristic of being able to make clear, firm, and impactful decisions. When someone is decisive, they possess the ability to assess a situation, consider various options, and take action with confidence and determination. Being decisive involves being able to quickly weigh the pros and cons, evaluate risks, and arrive at a definitive choice.
- This is the truly decisive technology of modern medicine, demonstrated most effectively by advanced techniques for protecting against diphtheria, pertussis, and childhood viral diseases, and the current application of antibiotics and chemotherapy to combat bacterial infections.
- After two consecutive years of a female filmmaker claiming the prestigious best director Oscar, that pattern came to a clear and decisive end on Tuesday, with no women being recognized with a nomination in that category.
- Despite the setbacks suffered in April, Arsenal had a decisive opportunity to revert their fortunes as they made their way to Manchester City for a game that would determine the outcome of the title race.
- Since our administration and the regulators implemented decisive measures last weekend, we have witnessed a stabilization of deposits at regional banks across the country, and in certain instances, there has been a slight reversal of outflows.
- While many leadership books and popular coaching manuals praise the effectiveness of a self-assured and decisive leader, our research highlights how such an approach can foster a culture of individualism and lack of collaboration.
- AlphaGo caused a sensation with its famous “move 37,” which initially puzzled human experts as they thought it was a mistake; However, as the game progressed, it became clear that this move played a decisive role in determining the outcome of the second match.
- Decisive这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“characterized by firmness and determination”这一含义,即“决定性的/关键的/坚决的/果断的”,与resolute/determined/confident/conclusive这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Cook’s defining moment came at the conclusion of his inaugural year as CEO when he made the decisive move to dismiss Scott Forstall, a close associate of Steve Jobs.(库克的决定性时刻是在他担任首席执行官的第一年结束时,当时他做出了关键举动,解雇了史蒂夫乔布斯的亲密伙伴斯科特福斯特尔。)
–Technology - Climate activists welcomed New Zealand’s recognition of a climate emergency as a positive development, but emphasized the need for concrete and decisive measures to support this declaration.(气候活动人士欢迎新西兰承认气候紧急情况是一个积极的发展,但强调需要采取具体和果断的措施来支持这一宣言。)
–Science - Australia is set to confront Denmark, a semifinalist in the European Championship, in their decisive last group match on Wednesday, with the outcome likely determining which team advances.(澳大利亚将在周三决定性的最后一场小组赛中面对欧洲锦标赛半决赛选手丹麦,结果可能决定哪支球队晋级。)
–Sports - In the past few years, Japanese companies have actively embraced the skills of Indian engineering graduates by either recruiting them in Japan or employing them in India. These actions can be considered as decisive moves taken by the companies to tap into the talent pool of Indian engineers.(在过去的几年里,日本公司通过在日本招聘或在印度雇用印度工程专业毕业生来积极接受这些专业人才的技能。这些行动可以被视为公司为利用印度工程师人才库而采取的关键举措。)
–Business - The response at that time appeared to be prompt and decisive, particularly considering the growing #MeToo movement kindled by numerous allegations of abuse against film producer Harvey Weinstein.(当时的反应似乎是迅速和果断的,特别是考虑到对电影制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦的众多虐待指控引发的日益壮大的#MeToo运动。)