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- Being wary involves being cautious and attentive in various situations. It’s like having a little alarm bell in your mind that reminds you to be careful. When you’re wary, you are aware that there might be things that could go wrong, so you take extra care to avoid any potential dangers or mistakes.
- Being wary is a natural instinct that helps you stay out of trouble and make good choices. However, it’s also essential to strike a balance and not let excessive wariness prevent you from trying new things or forming relationships with others. Sometimes, being too wary can hold you back from enjoying new experiences or taking healthy risks.Researchers, being wary of the technology, issue warnings about potential copyright abuses, job displacement, and the potential for spreading false information.
- Venture capital investors have grown wary of investing money into China lately, as deal volume plummeted by half last year to approximately $69 billion, which is the lowest level in six years, as reported by PitchBook.
- Larsen believes that if we answer these questions and offer more examples of public health benefits, it may help convince officials who are currently wary of wastewater surveillance to see its worth and consider investing in it.
- Being wary of continuous government warnings that their products and stars may not be ideologically appropriate for the young, online social media and entertainment platforms are choosing to pull popular content and influencers.
- Wary这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being careful about potential dangers, risks”这一含义,即“(对待人或事物时)小心的/谨慎的/机警的/小心翼翼的”,与cautious/careful/alert这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Should the FDA proceed with the unprecedented step of authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, it will likely face heightened skepticism from an already wary public, which is extremely cautious about the political aspects surrounding vaccines.(如果FDA采取前所未有的步骤,授权疫苗用于紧急使用,它可能会面临已经谨慎的公众的高度怀疑,他们对围绕疫苗的政治方面非常谨慎。)
–Technology - The circles drawn on maps by Garvin and his colleagues raise skepticism among impact researchers due to the lack of fieldwork supporting their conclusions and the contradictions with other estimates of impact rates, making them wary of the findings.(Garvin和他的同事在地图上绘制的圆圈引起了影响研究人员的怀疑,因为缺乏支持他们结论的实地工作,并且与其他影响率估计相矛盾,使他们对研究结果持谨慎态度。)
–Science - With concerns lingering about the success of Credit Suisse’s ambitious turnaround plan and immediate worries that markets could experience sudden panic, investors remain wary of the company’s future and its potential dire consequences.(由于对瑞士信贷雄心勃勃的扭亏为盈计划成功的担忧挥之不去,以及对市场可能突然出现恐慌的直接担忧,投资者仍然对该公司的未来及其潜在的可怕后果持谨慎态度。)
–Business - Walker Jones, a former Mississippi football player and now the executive director of the Grove Collective, which provides support to Ole Miss athletes, mentioned that he remains wary of any law that would make it obligatory to disclose NFL deals to the public.(前密西西比州足球运动员沃克·琼斯现在是为Ole Miss运动员提供支持的Grove Collective的执行董事,他提到他仍然对任何强制向公众披露NFL交易的法律持谨慎态度。)
–Sports - Comscore’s report indicates that although there have been slight improvements in box office results, showing some continued interest in going to the cinema, audiences still remain wary and hesitant as the pandemic continues to have a significant impact.(Comscore的报告显示,尽管票房成绩略有改善,显示出一些对去电影院的持续兴趣,但随着大流行继续产生重大影响,观众仍然保持警惕和犹豫。)