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- To validate something means to confirm or prove that it is true or correct. It is like checking something to make sure that it is accurate or valid. For example, if you want to validate a hypothesis, you need to gather evidence or conduct experiments to confirm if it is true or false.
- Oppenheimer validated the results of the experiment using theoretical methods, which contradicted certain European quantum dynamics theories that he strongly disagreed with.
- To validate this method completely, we need to use more extensive data sets that can help us control for other factors that may affect the sugar content of maple syrup, such as the growing environment of maple trees.
- Transactions are validated and registered on a decentralized digital ledger called the blockchain, which gains its power from crowd validation rather than a group of privileged bankers.
- Since large language models lack the capability to reason or validate their actions, they do not have any mechanism to verify truth.
- This marks the first instance of SpaceX launching a reused rocket for NASA, further validating the company’s technology of reusable rockets.
- Validate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to give official confirmation, or approval to something”这一含义,即“确认/证实/使有效/使有法律效力/认可/批准”,与verify/confirm/support等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Mining for cryptocurrency requires networks of computers to validate transactions and prevent counterfeiting by solving complex mathematical problems.(加密货币的挖掘需要计算机网络来验证交易并通过解决复杂的数学问题来防止伪造。)
–Technology - He falsely claims that there are innate biological differences between races by citing recent developments in human molecular genetics to validate his hateful and white supremacist worldview.(他错误地声称种族之间存在先天的生物学差异,引用人类分子遗传学的最新发展来验证他的仇恨和白人至上主义世界观。)
–Science - The news validated investors’ apprehensions about the health of the company’s brands and its pricing power in a situation of increased commodity and transportation costs and heightened competition.(这一消息证实了投资者对公司品牌健康状况及其在商品和运输成本增加以及竞争加剧的情况下的定价能力的担忧。)
–Business - Bitcoin mining consumes large amounts of energy as it uses computers to validate transactions in the cryptocurrency by solving complex math problems, which are then recorded on the blockchain.(比特币挖矿消耗大量能源,因为它使用计算机通过解决复杂的数学问题来验证加密货币中的交易,然后将其记录在区块链上。)
–Technology - Princeton researchers used imaging techniques in humans and monkeys to validate and expand the understanding of what happens when the brain is asked to consider information from two different sources.(普林斯顿大学的研究人员在人类和猴子身上使用了成像技术来验证和扩展对大脑被要求考虑来自两个不同来源的信息时会发生什么的理解。)