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  1. The word uninitiate refers to someone who is not familiar or experienced in a particular field, activity, or knowledge. It describes a person who lacks understanding or hasn’t been introduced to the specific practices, customs, or secrets of a particular group or subject.
  2. The term uninitiate often carries the implication that the person is unfamiliar with the inner workings, specialized language, traditions, or hidden aspects of the subject matter. They may be considered an outsider or novice, lacking the insider knowledge and insights possessed by those who have been formally initiated or immersed in the field.
  3. The uninitiate researchers, fresh out of academia, were overwhelmed by the intricate laboratory techniques and complex data analysis methods used in molecular biology, necessitating extensive mentorship and hands-on training to become proficient in their scientific work.
  4. In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, the uninitiate engineers may struggle to navigate the complex landscape of digital threats and protective measures, potentially leaving them vulnerable to online attacks and privacy breaches.
  5. When entering the realm of entrepreneurship, the uninitiate managers may face challenges in understanding market dynamics, developing business strategies, and navigating financial management, potentially impacting their ability to launch successful ventures.
  6. For the uninitiate art enthusiasts in the world of contemporary dance, the abstract and experimental nature of modern choreography may be perplexing, making it challenging to appreciate the artistic expressions and interpret the underlying messages conveyed by dancers.

  1. Uninitiate这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“lacking knowledge or experience”这一含义,即“外行的/缺乏经验的/缺乏相关领域知识的”,与inexperienced/amateur/novice这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Despite being uninitiate in the field of molecular biology, the researchers underwent extensive training and guidance, gradually acquiring the necessary expertise to conduct complex experiments and analyze data.(尽管在分子生物学领域没有经验,但研究人员接受了广泛的培训和指导,逐渐获得了进行复杂实验和分析数据的必要专业知识。)
  • Navigating the complexities of artificial intelligence proved challenging for the uninitiate users, who required simplified explanations and user-friendly interfaces to effectively utilize machine learning algorithms and coding languages.(事实证明,驾驭人工智能的复杂性对于初学者来说具有挑战性,他们需要简化的解释和用户友好的界面来有效地利用机器学习算法和编码语言。)
  • The newly hired employees, initially uninitiated in the industry, underwent an onboarding process that familiarized them with the company’s operations, policies, and industry-specific terminology, enabling them to transition from novices to informed contributors.(新雇用的员工最初在行业中没有经验,他们经历了一个入职流程,使他们熟悉公司的运营、政策和行业特定术语,使他们能够从新手过渡到知情的贡献者。)
  • Attending guided tours and art workshops allowed the uninitiate art enthusiasts, who had limited exposure to contemporary art, to expand their understanding of different artistic styles and techniques, cultivating a deeper appreciation for the art world.(参加导赏团和艺术工作坊,让接触当代艺术经历有限的艺术爱好者,加深对不同艺术风格和技巧的理解,培养对艺术世界的更深层次的欣赏。)
  • Through coaching and training sessions, the uninitiate athletes, who were new to the sport, developed their skills, improved their techniques, and gained a better understanding of the game, progressing from inexperienced beginners to competitive players.(通过教练和训练课程,刚接触这项运动的初学者发展了他们的技能,提高了他们的技术,并对比赛有了更好的理解,从没有经验的初学者发展成为有竞争力的球员。)


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