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- The word “undermine” refers to the act of weakening or damaging something, often in a gradual or covert way. This can apply to physical structures, ideas, projects, or relationships. In a broader sense, to undermine is to erode the foundation or integrity of something, making it less effective, stable, or trustworthy.
- Ms. Raicu pointed out that employing ChatGPT in personal exchanges could undermine trust, as it raises the question, “Do I really know the person I’m communicating with?”
- A spokesperson for Manchester United expressed to BBC Sport their disappointment with the decision, stating they cannot grasp its reasoning. They believe it undermines the fairness of the competition and the integrity of women’s soccer.
- Microsoft worried that introducing a browser as a layer over its operating system could undermine the strong influence its Windows software held in the technology industry.
- Researchers at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT have published a study that explains how a specific mutation undermines the functioning of microglia, thereby elucidating the mechanism by which it elevates risk.
- Ex-Tesla workers have stated that the automaker might have undermined safety by tailoring its Autopilot driver-assistance system to align with the vision of Elon Musk, its CEO.
- Undermine这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way”这一含义,即“逐渐削弱(信心、权威等)/使逐步减少效力/从根基处破坏/挖…的墙脚”,与weaken /damage /impair /erode /compromise等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- General Motors’ creation of CarBravo is a strategic move to adapt to the changing automotive market, where direct-to-consumer brands like Tesla and Lucid have undermined the traditional dealership framework.(通用汽车创建CarBravo是其适应不断变化的汽车市场的战略举措,在这个市场中,像特斯拉和Lucid这样的直销品牌已经削弱了传统经销商体系。)
–Technology - As reported by Science, Larson and fellow vaccine acceptance researchers affirm the COVID-19 vaccines’ role in preventing severe illness but caution that persisting with mandates may undermine future public health campaigns.(《科学》杂志报道,Larson及其疫苗接受度研究同僚强调COVID-19疫苗在预防重症方面的作用,但他们警告说,坚持实施强制措施可能会损害未来的公共卫生运动。)
–Science - Numerous athletes have voiced concerns that permitting individuals born male to compete in female sports categories is unfair and could undermine federal laws designed to guarantee the provision of women’s sports in schools.(许多运动员已经表达了他们的担忧,认为允许生理上为男性的个体参加女性体育比赛是不公平的,并且这样做可能会削弱旨在保证学校提供女子体育的联邦法律。)
–Sports - In the campaign’s early phases, employees at Starbucks alleged that executives and various company representatives were targeting Buffalo in an attempt to undermine their unionizing activities.(在活动的早期阶段,星巴克的员工声称执行官和其他公司代表专门针对Buffalo,试图破坏他们的工会化活动。)
–Business - Directors like Christopher Nolan and Patty Jenkins, who are known for their purist views, have expressed criticism towards films premiering on streaming platforms, arguing that it undermines the enchanting and immersive experience provided by watching a movie on an 80-foot silver screen.(像克里斯托弗·诺兰和派蒂·詹金斯这样以纯粹主义观点著称的导演,已经对电影在流媒体平台首映表示批评,他们认为这损害了在80英尺银幕上观看电影所提供的迷人和沉浸式体验。)
–Arts and Culture