
Image by upklyak

  • 发音:[trænzˈmjut]
  • 例句
  1. The word transmute means to change or convert something from one form, appearance, or state to another. It is often used to describe a significant change that alters the fundamental nature of something.
  2. To change base metals into gold, it was necessary to possess knowledge of certain elements and be willing to experiment physically, which was a way to transmute them.
  3. When uranium 238 captures neutrons and turns into plutonium 239, it is said that uranium has been transmuted.
  4. Social media has provided a channel to channel our workplace anger, which we cannot usually change, to all areas of life, allowing us to transmute our feelings.
  5. Newton was a committed alchemist who devoted thirty years of his life to working on a dark furnace, attempting to find a way to transmute one chemical element into another.

  • 解释
  1. Transmute这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to change or convert something from one form, appearance, or state to another”这一含义,即“改变/使变形/转变”,与transform/metamorphose/convert这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • They receive crude materials from the soil and the air and transmute them into starch under the action of sunlight.(它们从土壤和空气中接收粗材料,并在阳光的作用下将它们转化为淀粉。)
  • As I traveled, I became increasingly interested in van Gogh, who transformed what he saw into even more realistic images, which is referred to as transmuting reality.(随着我的旅行,我对梵高越来越感兴趣,他将他所看到的转化为更逼真的图像,这被称为转化现实。)
  • Darwin’s question was about how organisms transmute information about their characteristics over a thousand generations.(达尔文的问题是关于生物体如何在一千代中转换有关其特征的信息。)


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