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  1. The word transcendental refers to something that goes beyond the ordinary or physical aspects of life and reaches into a deeper, more profound level of existence. It relates to ideas, experiences, or knowledge that surpasses the limits of what can be explained or understood through ordinary means.
  2. The Farewell Address has attained a transcendental status over a prolonged period, standing alongside the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address as a pivotal expression of America’s enduring principles.
  3. Within the film, there are glimpses of his extravagant astrology broadcasts, showcasing a transcendental purpose and cinematic vision that is absent from the rest of the documentary.
  4. After returning from two months of transcendental meditation in India, where she likely discovered this piece, the actor’s serene state of mind is beautifully reflected in the graceful lines of her flowing gown.
  5. The nation eagerly awaits its first transcendental soccer superstar, often referred to as the American Messi, and Morris carried the weight of the immense pressure that has overwhelmed many others before him.
  6. The ongoing experiment seeks to evaluate whether a transcendental experience enhances leaders’ effectiveness, confidence in their work, and how it influences their religious perspectives.


  1. Transcendental这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“beyond ordinary, everyday experience”这一含义,即“尤指宗教或精神方面)超验的/玄奥的”,与supernatural/metaphysical/transcendent这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Extensive research on the benefits of transcendental meditation in relation to cardiovascular disease has provided enough evidence for doctors to routinely prescribe stress reduction programs that are practical, standardized, and easy to implement.(关于超越冥想对心血管疾病的益处的广泛研究为医生提供了足够的证据,可以常规地给出实用、标准化且易于实施的减压计划。)
  • The intellectual influence of Greece, as seen in Alexandrian philosophy, further separated God from the realm of human experiences, moving towards an abstract and transcendental concept.(正如亚历山大哲学所见,希腊的智力影响进一步将上帝与人类经验领域分开,走向一个抽象和超验的概念。)
  • Sufficient references are provided to guide students who desire a deeper understanding of transcendental philosophy, although a comprehensive examination of the speculative field has not been undertaken.(足够的参考资料被提供用以指导希望更深入地了解先验哲学的学生,尽管尚未对思辨领域进行全面考察。)
  • Mr. Emerson, widely regarded as the finest interpreter of the transcendental movement, made a confession that adversaries quickly seized upon and exploited for their own purposes.(爱默生被广泛认为是超验运动的最佳解释者,他坦白了对手迅速抓住并利用自己的目的。)
  • It is evident that the transcendental aesthetic is primarily associated with two core elements, space and time, as all other concepts are grounded in sensory perception and rely on empirical experiences.(很明显,先验美学主要与两个核心元素有关,空间和时间,因为所有其他概念都以感官知觉为基础,并依赖于实证经验。)
  • Speculative and transcendental ideas have greatly influenced the field of philosophy, shaping principles of life, governance, and duty that have been derived from and implemented after the stages of action, contemplation, and action.(思辨和先验思想极大地影响了哲学领域,塑造了生活、治理和责任的原则,这些原则是从行动、沉思和行动阶段之后衍生和实施的。)


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