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- The word “topple” means to make something fall over or to fall down itself. It’s like when you push a stack of blocks, and they tumble to the ground. You can use “topple” when talking about things like a tower of blocks, a tree, a statue, or even a government or leader losing their power. It’s all about something or someone falling over or losing their position.
- In the wake of the 2011 uprising that led to the toppling of autocrat Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s essential tourism sector, which plays a significant role in generating foreign currency, endured an extended period of political instability and violence.
- The magnitude-6.8 earthquake, the most potent to hit Morocco in 120 years, resulted in the toppling of buildings and walls in ancient cities made from stone and masonry, which were not designed to endure seismic activity.
- Within the cryptocurrency sphere, companies are intricately connected through practices such as mutual investments, token acquisitions, and capital lending, so the potential collapse of FTX could indeed topple other entities in this network.
- The team demonstrated an outstanding performance last Thursday, securing a 6-0 victory against Canada, and they continued their success on Monday by toppling Japan, a team that has been a consistent championship contender since the late 1990s.
- The conventional belief has been toppled by substantial DNA sequencing conducted over the past ten years or so, as it has unveiled that mutations in human DNA commence during the initial phases of embryonic development and persist in their transformation throughout an individual’s lifetime.
- Topple这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to cause the downfall of something or somebody”这一含义,即“打倒/倒塌/推翻/颠覆”,与fall/tumble/knock down /overturn /subvert /overthrow 等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Twitter acquired the subscription-based newsletter platform, Revue, last year in an effort to topple Substack’s prominence, and presently allows users to integrate links, tweets, and videos into their newsletter publications.(Twitter 去年收购了基于订阅的时事通讯平台 Revue,以试图颠覆 Substack的突出地位。目前该平台允许用户将链接、推文和视频集成到他们的时事通讯出版物中。)
–Technology - In the study of engineering and architecture, understanding load distribution is crucial, as an uneven distribution of weight can cause structures to topple and result in structural failure.(在工程和建筑研究中,了解荷载分布至关重要,因为重量分布不均匀会导致结构倒塌并导致结构失效。)
–Science - In the second weekend of September, while two major conferences began their events, the Sun Belt league defied expectations by toppling opponents from the Big 12, with three of its teams securing victories.(在9月的第二个周末,虽然两个主要会议开始了他们的活动,但太阳带联赛打破了预期,击败了来自Big 12的对手,其中三支球队取得了胜利。)
–Sports - The Model Y plays a pivotal role in Tesla’s efforts to broaden its reach in the mainstream market and, at the same time, generate the revenue needed to prevent the looming risk of its substantial debts that may topple the company based in Palo Alto, California.(Model Y在特斯拉扩大其在主流市场的影响力方面发挥着关键作用,同时能够产生必要的营收,以防止其迫在眉睫的巨额债务风险,这些债务可能会击垮总部位于加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的公司。)
–Business - The #MeToo movement has empowered women in various professions, allowing them to have their voices acknowledged, and in doing so, has played a role in toppling numerous formerly influential men in areas such as entertainment, media, sports, business, politics, and the judicial system.(MeToo 运动赋予了各行各业的女性权力,使她们的声音得到承认,并在此过程中,在推翻娱乐、媒体、体育、商业、政治和司法系统等领域的众多以前有影响力的男性方面发挥了作用。)