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- The word “tedious” describes a task, process, or activity that is overly long, slow, or dull, to the extent that it becomes boring or frustrating for those involved. It is often used to characterize situations or tasks that require a lot of effort and time but offer little to no variation, excitement, or interest, making them feel laborious and dull.
- Ray’s transition from an online poker expert to a live player is marked by his aim for total indifference to outcomes, rendering his narrative tediously akin to something artificial intelligence might produce.
- The myth enabled these companies to sidestep the tedious and challenging process of installing the comprehensive systems and controls that are typically expected.
- Discovering new businesses to promote can be a tedious and costly endeavor for influencers, prompting some to prefer featuring only those offering free meals or services as compensation.
- Research may occasionally be tedious or not meet expectations, but when it aligns with your passions and values, your enthusiasm will sustain you.
- Tedious这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness”这一含义,即“冗长的/啰嗦的/单调乏味的/令人厌烦的”,与boring /dull /uninteresting /weary这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Apple offered a solution to this tedious process in January by launching a Siri Shortcut that automatically imports photos from the camera roll into Lightroom and then deletes them from the camera roll afterward.(Apple在一月份通过推出一个Siri快捷方式解决了这一繁琐过程,该快捷方式会自动将照片从相机卷导入到Lightroom中,然后再从相机卷中删除它们。)
–Technology - Due to the tedious and repetitive nature of the labor involved in DNA assembly, many groups find it advantageous to allocate these tasks to robots.(由于DNA组装工作涉及的劳动本质上是单调重复的,许多团队发现将这些任务分配给机器人更为有利。)
–Science - Tax officials have consistently recommended that taxpayers file their returns electronically to avoid burdening employees with the tedious task of manually entering data into the agency’s outdated computer system.(税务官员一直建议纳税人通过电子方式提交申报表,以避免员工承担手动输入数据到机构过时计算机系统中的繁琐任务。)
–Business - In the exploration of arts and culture, it becomes evident that masterpieces such as Michelangelo’s David and Van Gogh’s Starry Night emerge from a tedious creative process, where artists like Michelangelo and Van Gogh dedicate countless hours to meticulous craftsmanship.(在探索艺术和文化的过程中,显而易见,像米开朗基罗的大卫和梵高的星夜这样的杰作,是从一个繁琐的创作过程中诞生的,艺术家如米开朗基罗和梵高投入了无数小时进行精细的工艺制作。)
–Arts and Culture