• 发音: [ˈtɑrnɪʃ]

  • 例句

  1. Metals are most likely to tarnish to create a layer of corruption, because they react to oxygen in the air.
  2. Meghan said she wanted to seek help but wasn’t allowed to because it would tarnish the royal family’s reputation.
  3. In the window there were trays of nuts and bolts, worn-out chisels, penknives with broken blades, tarnished watches that did not even pretend to be in going order, and other miscellaneous rubbish.
  4. At the time the mathematical community dismissed Bernoulli’s claims; not only had l’Hôpital proved himself an able mathematician, but Johann Bernoulli had a tarnished reputation.
  5. The employee turmoil at Twitter is only the latest apparent misstep in Mr. Musk’s one-month ownership of the social media company and threatens to tarnish his reputation as a manager.
  6. In natural environment, tarnish was observed on the surface of a commemoration silver coin of China.

  • 解释

  1. Tarnish这个单词可以作为动词使用,其表示“make something dirty or spotty by air, dust, or dirt”这一含义,即“(由于氧化、污染等原因导致物体)使失去光泽/使生锈”,与stain/sully/darken这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:Those metals with higher percentages of nickel more closely resemble the silver tone of stainless steel and do not tarnish.(那些镍含量较高的金属更接近不锈钢的银色,不会失去光泽。)/Lyra opened the door and found herself in a room lit by one torch, and empty but for a cabinet of mahogany containing some tarnished silver ornaments.(莱拉打开门,发现自己在一个被一个火把照亮的房间里,空无一人,只有一个红木柜子,里面有一些失去光泽的银饰品。)

  3. 除了表示“直接使物体等失去光泽/生锈”这一含义,Tarnish这个单词一般多用于抽象状态的语意,其表示“to affect somebody or something with things morally bad or undesirable”这一含义,即“玷污/败坏”,与corrupt/mar/taint这些单词构成近义词。

  4. 具体使用场景如下:
  • While Australia’s working relationships have remained strong, its image has been badly tarnished thanks to its stance on climate change, say some analysts.(一些分析人士表示,虽然澳大利亚的工作关系仍然牢固,但由于其在气候变化问题上的立场,其形象受到了严重损害。)
  • Investors and analysts are divided on how much Mr. Musk’s utterances on Twitter have tarnished Tesla’s image among the left-leaning consumers most likely to buy an electric car.(投资者和分析师对马斯克在Twitter上的言论在多大程度上损害了特斯拉在最有可能购买电动汽车的左倾消费者中的形象存在分歧。)
  • The Russian agency last month appointed a new director general as part of Moscow’s push to rehabilitate its tarnished sporting image and overturn a ban on most of its track-and-field athletes competing internationally.(俄罗斯机构上个月任命了一位新总干事,作为莫斯科努力恢复其受损的体育形象并推翻对大多数田径运动员参加国际比赛的禁令的一部分。)


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