• 发音:[səˈmaʊnt]

  • 例句

  1. If we say someone surmounts a challenge or difficulty, you actually mean that person overcomes or gets over it.
  2. It took many sleepless nights and lots of caffeine to surmount these obstacles, when the first time I came to the USA. 
  3. The French team surmounted a 2-0 deficit to finally tie this game, demonstrating the kind of determination that carried them to the final after a prolonged slump.
  4. Across the country, Democratic candidates are struggling to surmount their woke-liberal vibes while Republicans are battling against scary-conspiracy-theorist vibes.
  5. Ms. Thompson would feel safer knowing her staff was vaccinated, though she said she empathized with those who are hesitant and had to surmount her own fears to get the shot.

  • 解释

  1. Surmount这个单词为动词,实际使用时我们可以说:“surmount a challenge or a difficult situation”, 其表示“overcomes or gets over some difficulty”这一含义,即“征服/克服某个挑战、困难的处境”,与defeat/conquer/overcome这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Lionel Andres Messi is a great football player, who surmounted endless obstacles to eventually win the FIFA World Cup in 2022. (莱昂内尔·安德烈斯·梅西是一位伟大的足球运动员,他克服了无尽的障碍,最终赢得了 2022 年的国际足联世界杯。)
  • Scientists within the federal government have struggled to surmount the same legal barriers, despite extensive taxpayer support for mRNA vaccines.(联邦政府内部的科学家一直在努力克服同样的法律障碍,尽管纳税人对mRNA疫苗给予了广泛的支持。)
  • In building INO, astronomers in Iran had to surmount hurdles that few colleagues elsewhere face: sanctions that curtail high-tech imports, and visa restrictions limiting their travel abroad.(在建造INO的过程中,伊朗的天文学家必须克服其他地方很少有同事面临的障碍:限制高科技进口的制裁,以及限制他们出国旅行的签证限制。)


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