
Image by Donna Hamlet

  1. To supersede something means to replace it with something newer or better. It’s like when you get a new phone and replace your old phone with it because the new one has better features and capabilities.
  2. The Tasmanians continued to use stone tools that were superseded by newer technology tens of thousands of years earlier in Europe and in most of mainland Australia.
  3. After metal had definitely superseded timber, a long and technical controversy followed about the superiority of turret and broadside armaments.
  4. The art gallery would be replaced by an “electronic superhighway,” a worldwide network of images and voices that would supersede it, according to the artist.
  5. The tighter abortion laws could supersede the individual rights and religious beliefs of followers of faiths that do not prohibit abortion, such as Judaism, as outlined in the lawsuit.
  6. Although Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity superseded Isaac Newton’s theory, it did not necessarily make Newton’s theory “wrong” or Einstein’s “right.”
  7. Quantum computing holds the promise of superseding today’s supercomputers by harnessing the properties of sub-atomic particles, which was the focus of a cooperation agreement signed between IBM and the university late last year.


  1. Supersede这个单词做动词使用,其表示“replace something with newer or better one”这一含义,即“取代/替代”,与replace/supplant这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The image on the front of the case shows a device with iOS 7, but the new devices to be released in the fall will have iOS 8, which will replace it and supersede it.(外壳正面的图像显示了设备装有iOS 7系统,但秋季发布的新设备将配备iOS 8,它将取代并取代它。)
  • Despite his enthusiasm for new radio forms, Ryan believed that services like this would not be able to supersede the value of “live” music and conversation, delivered by individuals passionate about music and the medium.(尽管他对新的广播形式充满热情,但瑞安认为,像这样的服务无法取代“现场”音乐和对话的价值,这些音乐和对话是由对音乐和媒体充满热情的人提供的。)
  • During that time, he regarded Rafael Nadal as his biggest rival, which made sense considering what happened later when Nadal became the world’s number one player, thus superseding him.(在那段时间里,他认为拉斐尔·纳达尔是他最大的竞争对手,考虑到后来纳达尔成为世界第一球员从而取代他时发生的事情,这是有道理的。)
  • In contrast to the United States, where freedom of expression is considered a fundamental right that supersedes other interests, Europe regards an individual’s privacy and freedom of expression as nearly equal rights.(在美国,言论自由被视为一项基本权利,高于其他利益,与此相反,欧洲将个人的隐私和言论自由视为几乎平等的权利。)
  • Professor Hawking expressed concern about the effects of creating something that could surpass human intelligence, stating that humans “would be superseded.”(霍金教授对创造可能超越人类智力的东西的影响表示担忧,称人类“将被取代”。)


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