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- The word superfluous is used to describe something that is unnecessary or excessive, beyond what is required or needed. When something is deemed superfluous, it means that it is not essential or essential for a particular purpose or situation.
- Brain scans confirm that drinking when not thirsty is unnecessary and requires more physical effort, making it a superfluous activity.
- Considering art and culture as disposable aspects of human life that don’t deserve public funding is not sustainable, as they are far from being superfluous.
- Technology advancements and industrial shift to developing countries are leading to large numbers of people, especially the youth, becoming redundant or superfluous.
- According to coaches and experts, social media use is replacing traditional communication methods, where voicemails are deemed unnecessary, emails are outdated, and phone conversations are often brief and superfluous.
- As machines speed up the process of discovery, theoreticians may be seen as unimportant, superfluous, and out of touch.
- Facebook is redesigning Messenger to provide a simple and uncluttered user experience, eliminating superfluous features like games.
- Superfluous这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“unnecessary or excessive, beyond what is required or needed”这一含义,即“过剩的/过多的/多余的/不必要的”,与unnecessary/excessive/surplus这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Unless immediate information is required, calling someone to get information appears superfluous, and an email is often sufficient.(除非需要即时信息,否则打电话给某人以获取信息似乎是多余的,电子邮件通常就足够了。)
–Technology - If you don’t need constant updates on Facebook or weather, you can remove superfluous widgets by dragging and dropping them to the trash can icon.(如果您不需要在Facebook或天气上不断更新,则可以通过将多余的小部件拖放到垃圾桶图标上来删除多余的小部件。)
–Technology - For some athletes and people who exercise, music is vital for optimal performance and a gratifying workout, and far from being superfluous.(对于一些运动员和锻炼者来说,音乐对于最佳表现和令人满意的锻炼至关重要,而且远非多余。)
–Sports - Many business owners see marketing as an unnecessary expense, something to invest in only when their budget allows it, considering it superfluous.(许多企业主将营销视为不必要的开支,只有在预算允许的情况下才能投资,认为这是多余的。)
–Business - Publishers believe that in the era of Search Engine Optimization, books must have subtitles, even if they seem redundant or superfluous, and the longer, the better.(出版商认为,在搜索引擎优化的时代,书籍必须有副标题,即使它们看起来多余或多余,而且越长越好。)