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  1. To substantiate something means to provide evidence or proof that supports or confirms its truth, validity, or importance. It involves presenting facts, examples, or details that help establish the credibility or reliability of a claim, statement, or argument. When you substantiate something, you are essentially backing it up with concrete information or evidence to make it more believable or valid.
  2. The available evidence now substantiates that the early Christians did not blindly accept the gospels and were willing to make alterations and additions according to their own judgment.
  3. Joel Best, a renowned sociologist and expert on candy tampering, has conducted extensive research and found limited evidence to substantiate the concerns surrounding Halloween candy.
  4. The report presented by the Brazilian military earlier this month recognized deficiencies in the nation’s electoral systems and proposed enhancements, yet it failed to substantiates the allegations of fraud put forth by certain supporters of Bolsonaro.
  5. In the last several months, the user base of platforms such as Gettr and Truth Social has expanded, but experts have noted that independently validating and substantiating the extent of this growth has proven to be uneven and challenging.
  6. Several NFL owners expressed their readiness in May to endorse a substantial suspension of Daniel Snyder if the allegations of sexual misconduct and financial impropriety against him and the team are substantiated.


  1. Substantiate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to provide evidence or information for”这一含义,即“证实/证明/充实/证明…有根据”,与confirm/verify/embody/affirm/prove/bolster这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • A search of the scientific literature shows that approximately 3,000 scientific papers make reference to this model, and while some substantiate it based on qualitative data, there is a limited amount of quantitative research available.(对科学文献的搜索表明,大约有3,000篇科学论文提到了这一模型,虽然有些论文根据定性数据证实了这一模型,但可用的定量研究数量有限。)
  • Twitter formerly provided verification badges, symbolized by white-and-blue check marks, to users who had substantiated their identities and were usually public figures like politicians and celebrities.(Twitter以前向那些已经证实自己身份的用户提供验证徽章,用白色和蓝色复选标记表示,通常是政治家和名人等公众人物。)
  • The decision to prevent scientists from speaking at the conference substantiates the widespread apprehension that the E.P.A.’s leadership intends to restrict government scientists from discussing climate change in public.(阻止科学家在会议上发言的决定证实了人们普遍的担忧,即环保局的领导层打算限制政府科学家在公开场合讨论气候变化。)
  • Ghosn is requesting access to records pertaining to internal investigations conducted by Nissan and Mitsubishi, which were utilized by the car manufacturers to substantiate his termination based on allegations of financial misconduct.(戈恩要求查阅与日产和三菱进行的内部调查有关的记录,汽车制造商利用这些记录来坐实他因财务不当行为指控而被解雇。)
  • While the exact count of affected athletes is crucial to the matter under discussion, she chose not to provide specific details to substantiate that number, considering the privacy and well-being of student-athletes who may prefer to keep their gender identity private.(虽然受影响运动员的确切人数对正在讨论的问题至关重要,但考虑到可能更愿意保持性别认同私密的学生运动员的隐私和福祉,她选择不提供具体细节来证实这一数字。)
  • The investigation concluded without establishing “guilt or innocence” or reaching a definitive verdict on whether Spletstoser’s allegations had been substantiated or unsupported, as stated in the Air Force’s public release of the investigation report.(调查结束时没有确定“有罪或无罪”,也没有就Spletstoser的指控是否得到证实或不支持做出明确裁决,正如空军公开发布的调查报告所述。)
  • In 1566, he was called before a newly established court and sentenced to death for severe negligence in his duties, even though none of the baseless accusations made against him could be substantiated.(1566年,他被传唤到一个新成立的法院,因严重玩忽职守而被判处死刑,尽管对他的毫无根据的指控都无法得到证明。)


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