sift through
  1. To sift means to go through especially to sort out what is useful or valuable.
  2. The police sifted tons of evidence for clues.
  3. My mother had been sifting through the mail and placing envelopes on the table next to her after she glanced at them.
  4. He insisted that all questions be submitted to him in advance, and he sifted through the cards searching for those he chose to answer.
  5. Now a team of engineers are sifting through tonnes of sand and soil from the whole beach as part of a £10.5m project to remove all the hazardous material.
  1. Sift这个单词为动词,其表示“to go through something especially to sort out what is useful or valuable”这一含义,既“筛选/挑选/过滤”,与“sift/filter”这些单词构成近义词。最直观的含义为通过“sieve(筛子)”过滤、筛选,如Sift the lumps from the sugar.(把糖的块状物筛选出来)。

  2. 日常生活环境中,当我们在一大堆票据中去找出某一月的水电费收据时,我们可以使用 “sift through the mail looking for the bills.” 另外,当招生官在一大堆申请文档中去找寻优秀申请者时,我们可以使用“sift through the hundred applications to find the best candidates.”

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Due to the vast amounts of data stored, technology is needed to sift through it, make sense of it, and draw conclusions from it.(由于存储了大量数据,因此需要技术来筛选它,理解它并从中得出结论。)
  • Investors have been sifting through the first batch of company earnings this quarter to monitor the chances of a recession, the state of consumer spending and the outlook for the markets.(投资者一直在筛选本季度第一批公司收益,以监测经济衰退的可能性、消费者支出状况和市场前景。)
  • Marcus used the Python coding language to create a program that sifts through a vaccine clinic website, looking for certain keywords and tables that would indicate new appointments.(Marcus使用Python编码语言创建了一个程序,该程序可以筛选疫苗诊所网站,寻找某些指示新约会的关键字和表格。)


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