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  1. Sentimentality means being very emotional and attached to feelings, memories, or things from the past. It’s when you have strong, sometimes excessive, emotions about something, often because it holds special meaning for you.
  2. Sentimentality can be both positive, reflecting a deep appreciation for meaningful moments, and negative, suggesting that someone is allowing their emotions to cloud their judgment. In literature, films, and art, sentimentality is a style or tone that evokes strong emotions and nostalgia in the audience.
  3. In Memoriam” is a nearly 400-page book where Winn employs a percussive prose style that blends Edwardian masculine sentimentality with the improbable plot twists characteristic of period romance novels, all of which drive the story forward.
  4. With the rapid technological advancements that fueled Instagram’s rapid success and contributed to Kodak’s decline, it prompts us to ponder whether there is still room for tradition and sentimentality in the world of business.
  5. Within the ever-changing realm of cinema, the sentimentality of classic movie enthusiasts finds comfort in the timeless tradition of annual screenings of revered films such as “Casablanca,” transporting them to an era exuding glamour and romance.
  6. In a world marked by the relentless march of technological innovation, the sentimentality attached to the original iPhone persists as a poignant reminder of Apple’s transformative impact on the smartphone industry.

  1. Sentimentality这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a quality of being overly, dramatically emotional”这一含义,即“感情用事/多愁善感/感伤/怀旧”,与emotion/nostalgia这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Despite the prevalence of advanced sports analytics, discussions about basketball greatness still bear the mark of sentimentality, harking back to a time when legends like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird ruled the courts.(尽管先进的体育分析盛行,但关于篮球伟大的讨论仍然带有多愁善感的印记,让人回想起迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊和拉里·伯德等传奇人物统治法院的时代。)
  • Dr. Smith, the esteemed astrophysicist, challenges prevailing tech trends in space exploration by expressing deep sentimentality for vintage telescopes, which offer a unique historical perspective and enduring charm, attributes that modern instruments cannot replicate.(受人尊敬的天体物理学家史密斯博士挑战了太空探索的流行技术趋势,他对老式望远镜表达了深刻的怀旧情感,这些望远镜提供了独特的历史视角和持久的魅力,这是现代仪器无法复制的属性。)
  • Amidst the era of cost-cutting and automation, the CEO’s unwavering dedication to preserving century-old family recipes stands as a powerful testament to sentimentality‘s role in the culinary realm, reminiscent of culinary icons like Julia Child and James Beard.(在削减成本和自动化的时代,首席执行官坚定不移地致力于保存百年历史的家庭食谱,有力地证明了怀旧情感在烹饪领域的作用,让人想起朱莉娅·柴尔德和詹姆斯·比尔德等烹饪偶像。)
  • In a world driven by rapid change and innovation, the sentimentality attached to ancient cultural rituals and traditions continues to serve as a bridge between generations, preserving the wisdom and values of ancestors like Confucius and Shakespeare for contemporary societies.(在一个由快速变化和创新驱动的世界中,古老的文化仪式和传统所附着的感伤继续作为代际之间的桥梁,为当代社会保留孔子和莎士比亚等祖先的智慧和价值观。)
  • Within the ever-accelerating pace of technological evolution, there remains a sentimentality for vintage video game consoles like the Atari 2600, reminding enthusiasts of a simpler era in gaming when titles like “Pac-Man” and “Space Invaders” sparked a lifelong love for interactive entertainment.(在技术发展步伐不断加快的情况下,像雅达利2600这样的老式视频游戏机仍然有一种怀旧情感,提醒爱好者一个更简单的游戏时代,当时像“吃豆人”和“太空侵略者”这样的游戏激发了对互动娱乐的终生热爱。)


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