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- To “savor” means to take your time and fully enjoy something, whether it’s the taste of food, the pleasure of an experience, the anticipation of something exciting, or the desire to make a good moment last. It’s about relishing and appreciating the goodness of life’s moments.
- For example, when you eat a delicious piece of chocolate, you might savor it by taking small bites and letting the flavor linger in your mouth. Or, when you have a wonderful moment with your friends, you can savor the memory by thinking about it and feeling happy about it for a long time.
- While it’s improbable that heritage establishments will embrace the less sanitary ice cream consumption practices of yesteryears, presenting historical recipes affords visitors the chance to savor a novel, historical sensory experience.
- During this process, cultures intertwined with landscapes as people’s tastes and preferences were shaped from early on, starting in the womb, where the flavors of the mother’s diet were conveyed into the amniotic fluid and savored by the developing fetus.
- As technology continues its rapid evolution, enthusiasts and industry professionals alike savor each new breakthrough in the field of quantum computing, eagerly anticipating the potential to revolutionize data processing, with companies such as Google and IBM leading the charge.
- Across the global sports landscape, devoted fans savor the intense and storied rivalry that unfolds each time tennis icons Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova step onto the court, eagerly anticipating the drama, skill, and tenacity these two legends bring to the game.
- Savor这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to enjoy an experience, activity, or feeling as much as you can and for as long as you can”这一含义,即“品味/享受/细细品尝/回味”,与enjoy/taste/relish/appreciate/revel in这些单词或短语构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- As patrons of the arts and culture, aficionados and visitors to renowned museums worldwide savor the exquisite details and emotional resonance found in masterpieces like Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ displayed at institutions like the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, where the immersive experience allows them to delve deep into the artist’s genius and creative expression.(作为艺术和文化的赞助人,世界各地著名博物馆的爱好者和游客会细细品味文森特梵高的“星夜”等杰作中的精致细节和情感共鸣。这些杰作在纽约市现代艺术博物馆等机构展出,身临其境的体验使他们能够深入研究艺术家的天才和创造性表达。)
–Arts - In the competitive and ever-evolving world of luxury fashion, discerning consumers savor not only the exquisite designs but also the meticulous craftsmanship and exclusivity offered by iconic brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton, making them willing to invest in timeless pieces that embody both artistry and prestige.(在竞争激烈且不断发展的奢侈时尚世界中,挑剔的消费者不仅欣赏精致的设计,还欣赏香奈儿和路易威登等标志性品牌提供的细致工艺和独特性,使他们愿意投资体现艺术性和声望的永恒作品。)
–Business - Within the scientific community, researchers and astrophysicists savor and celebrate the pivotal moments when they make groundbreaking discoveries, as demonstrated by the joyous uproar following the detection of gravitational waves by scientists at LIGO, which fundamentally deepened our understanding of the cosmos.(在科学界,研究人员和天体物理学家享受并庆祝他们取得突破性发现的关键时刻,正如LIGO科学家探测到引力波后的欢乐骚动所证明的那样,这从根本上加深了我们对宇宙的理解。)
–Science - In the world of professional sports, fans eagerly savor the historic matchups that unfold when traditional powerhouses like the New York Yankees face off against emerging contenders such as the Los Angeles Angels, creating memorable moments that resonate for generations.(在职业体育界,球迷们热切地享受着纽约洋基队等传统强队与洛杉矶天使队等新兴竞争者对决时所展开的历史性对决,创造了引起几代人共鸣的难忘时刻。)
–Sports - Tech enthusiasts around the globe savor the continuous stream of innovations in the realm of virtual reality, with companies such as Oculus and Sony competing to provide immersive experiences that transport users to entirely new digital worlds.(全球的技术爱好者都在享受虚拟现实领域源源不断的创新,Oculus和索尼等公司竞相提供身临其境的体验,将用户带入全新的数字世界。)