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- “Sabotage” is a word that describes actions or behaviors where someone intentionally tries to cause problems, damage, or harm to something or someone. It involves doing things to mess up a plan, task, or situation on purpose.
- He asserts that, given the escalating deterioration of the current situation, activists must seriously consider the act of sabotaging, as relying solely on peaceful demonstrations is improbable to yield swift outcomes.
- Accusing Starbucks of sabotaging the contract negotiations, the labor union, which speaks for more than 300 unionized Starbucks stores, is urging the implementation of a nationwide contract.
- Given the myriad possibilities that remote work has introduced, employers and employees have the capacity to employ creativity in discovering resolutions that don’t necessitate engaging in covertly sabotaging one another.
- Those against the measure claim that it would sabotage the significant investments made by companies in drug and vaccine development, as they rely on their exclusive product pricing control to recover these investments.
- During the recent months, Twitter has placed limitations on its engineers, preventing them from making any changes to the site’s code in anticipation of layoffs, due to concerns that someone might sabotage the platform when leaving.
- Sabotage这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to cause problems, damage, or harm to something or someone deliberately”这一含义,即“蓄意破坏/刻意阻碍/妨碍/捣乱”,与destroy/damage/annihilate/demolish等单词都成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The Texas attorney general’s office took the lead in a lawsuit, accusing Facebook and Google of trying to sabotage “header bidding,” a method that allows advertisers, including competitors, to sidestep Google’s ad auctions.(德克萨斯州总检察长办公室在诉讼中带头指控脸书和谷歌试图妨碍“标题竞价”,这种方法允许广告商,包括竞争对手,回避谷歌的广告拍卖。)
–Technology - As the widespread impacts of COVID-19, including unusual toe rashes and brain blood clots, have gained more attention, researchers are increasingly exploring how the novel coronavirus might sabotage blood vessels.(随着COVID-19的广泛影响,包括不寻常的脚趾皮疹和脑血栓,越来越受到关注,研究人员越来越多地探索新型冠状病毒如何破坏血管。)
–Science - There were also implications that London 2012 might have been sabotaged due to the IAAF, the governing body for athletics, permitting 10 athletes with “unexplained and highly questionable” abnormal blood profiles to take part.(有很多推测表示,2012年伦敦奥运会可能由于田径管理机构国际田联允许10名血液特征“无法解释且高度可疑”的运动员参加而遭到蓄意破坏。)
–Sports - Chipotle’s investigations yielded no signs of a larger outbreak, leading some industry observers to speculate that individuals betting against the company’s stock might be sabotaging it by providing false reports, with the intention of inciting fear among investors.(Chipotle的调查没有发现更大规模疫情爆发的迹象,导致一些行业观察人士推测,押注该公司股票的个人可能通过提供虚假报告来破坏公司股票,目的是在投资者中煽动恐惧。)
–Business - At the end of Fast and Furious 6, Statham’s sophisticated mercenary character, Deckard Shaw, appeared out of nowhere to seek revenge for his brother’s injuries and systematically sabotaged Vin Diesel’s heroic team in the subsequent installment.(在《速度与激情6》的结尾,斯坦森老练的雇佣兵角色德卡德·肖突然出现,为他哥哥的伤势报仇,并在随后的剧集中系统地破坏了范·迪塞尔的英雄团队。)
–Arts and Culture