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  1. The verb rivet means to hold someone’s attention or to make them focus on something. It’s like when you’re watching a really interesting movie, and you can’t take your eyes off the screen because you’re so absorbed in the story.
  2. After reading about her years of roughings, you’ll appreciate the author’s real-life independence more, but even without the colorful backdrop of the turn-of-the-twentieth-century theatrical universe, this would be a riveting character study that would hold your attention.
  3. Esposito’s current work on “Breaking Bad” has earned him five Emmy nominations, and he has created a riveting portrayal that captures the complexities of good and evil with a careful consideration.
  4. The sudden downfall of Ozy held the attention of media observers not because of the company’s large number of loyal readers, but because many had been curious about how it had managed to survive, making it a riveting event.
  5. The captivating nature of his show allowed much of the television news business, in particular, to delay confronting the technological changes in on-demand consumption and mobile devices, creating a riveting moment in media history.
  6. Her latest book “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption,” tells the incredible and riveting tale of athlete and World War II hero Louis Zamperini that will hold your attention.

  1. Rivet这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to hold someone’s attention or to make them focus on something”这一含义,即“吸引/目不转睛地看”,与focus/concentrate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • The crash sequence in The Dark Knight was so riveting because director Christopher Nolan worked with New Deal Studios to create 1:3 scale models of the Batmobile tumbler and garbage truck.(《黑暗骑士》中的车祸场面之所以如此吸引人,是因为导演克里斯托弗·诺兰与新政工作室合作,创建了蝙蝠车不倒翁和垃圾车的1:3比例模型。)
  • From the beginning of their observations to their discovery of new classes of black holes and galactic factories, the influence of these scientists ripples through every story in this collection and makes for a riveting read.(从他们的观测开始到他们发现新的黑洞和银河工厂,这些科学家的影响涟漪着这个系列中的每个故事,并令人着迷。)
  • The most expensive criminal investigation in history, which occurred on May 1st, 2011, held American audiences riveted to their screens.(历史上最昂贵的刑事调查发生在2011年5月1日,让美国观众被吸引到他们的屏幕上。)
  • Rob Pelinka’s description of the last messages Kobe Bryant sent him moments before the helicopter crash that killed him had the crowd riveted during his speech.(罗伯·佩林卡对科比·布莱恩特在直升机坠毁前向他发送的最后信息的描述在他的演讲中吸引了人群。)
  • The sudden collapse of Ozy, which many had wondered how the company had managed to survive, riveted media observers not because of the company’s loyal readers, but because of the unexpected turn of events.(Ozy的突然倒闭,许多人想知道该公司是如何生存下来的,吸引媒体观察家不是因为该公司的忠实读者,而是因为事态的意外转折。)


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