  1. The newly elected president hopes to revitalize the country.
  2. The sales person persuaded that lady to buy the new cream because it can revitalize sun-damaged skin.
  3. We can revitalize tradition, and the food can even have cultural value beyond just the culinary value, because you’re pumping new life into something.
  4. Empowering women can revitalize the economy, but the priority is to tackle the gender issue from the perspective of women’s rights.
  5. These incentives are highly underutilized and have the potential to unleash a series of opportunities in distressed communities, revitalizing the economy, creating jobs, affordable housing, and healthier neighborhoods.

  1. Revitalize该单词为动词,其表示”to give new life or vigor to something or somebody.”这一含义,即“使…恢复生机/给予新的生机(既可以用于人也可用于物)”,与regenerate/refresh等单词为近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • A good night sleep will revitalize you since it helps you restore energy. (美美地睡上一觉可以让你恢复生机因为睡眠可以帮助恢复能量。)
  • Having a healthy meal is a good way to  revitalize you. (吃一顿健康的饭菜会让你恢复活力。)
  • A new paint job could revitalize a room.(将房屋粉刷一遍可以让其焕然一新。)
  • A sick person is revitalized by medicine. (药物能够帮助病人焕发生机。)
  • In April of 1787, Franklin agreed to serve as the new president of the revitalized Pennsylvania Abolition Society and to make the antislavery cause the final project of his life.(1787 年 4 月,富兰克林同意担任振兴的宾夕法尼亚废奴协会的新主席,并将反奴隶制事业作为他一生的最后一个项目。)
  • 总的来说,当我们使用revitalize时,其核心是传递出“某一对象能够焕发新的生机或者达到一种更好的状态。”



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