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  1. The word revelation refers to the act of revealing or making something known that was previously hidden, secret, or unknown. It involves the disclosure of information or knowledge that was not previously accessible to others. A revelation can be a surprising or enlightening moment that brings new understanding or insight to a person or a group of people.
  2. In religious contexts, a revelation often refers to the divine or supernatural communication of truths or knowledge to humans by a higher power or deity. For example, in Christianity, the Bible contains accounts of revelations given to prophets and apostles, which are considered sacred and important for the faith.
  3. Some fans have scrutinized the financial structure of the musical due to the revelations about how Spears’s father and former management company financially benefited from the conservatorship.
  4. After the company’s first-quarter revelation of losing paying customers for the first time in a decade, the streaming company revealed the details of its significant effort to boost subscriber growth.
  5. Hawking’s revelation created a serious dilemma: the potential disappearance of black holes also means the information they hold could vanish, which goes against the principles of quantum mechanics.
  6. In recent months, public dissatisfaction with TikTok’s data practices and connections to its Chinese parent has become evident after new revelations published by BuzzFeed and other news outlets.

  1. Revelation这个单词做名词使用,其表示“an act of making something become known”这一含义,即“披露/揭示/被暴露的真相/被曝光的秘闻”,与disclosure /exposure这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 此外,该单词也多用于宗教语境,表示“communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency”这一含义,即“(上帝的)启示/启示录”,此时该单词常与divine /sacred /spiritual等单词连用。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Elon Musk’s revelation about Neuralink’s brain-computer interface showcased a groundbreaking technology that has the potential to revolutionize medical treatments for neurological disorders, paving the way for a future where direct communication between the human brain and machines becomes a reality.(埃隆·马斯克对Neuralink脑机接口的披露展示了一项突破性的技术,该技术有可能彻底改变神经系统疾病的医学治疗,为人脑和机器之间的直接通信成为现实的未来铺平了道路。)
  • Quantum physics has unveiled one of its most mind-bending revelations in the past century: the possibility that properties of particles may not be real until they undergo measurement.(量子物理学揭示了上个世纪最令人费解的启示之一:粒子的性质在经过测量之前可能不是真实的。)
  • Even before the revelation that Brazil may have obtained hosting rights through vote-buying behind the scenes, the multibillion-dollar project was already enmeshed in allegations of graft, implicating some of Brazil’s largest construction companies.(在巴西可能通过幕后购买选票获得主办权的披露之前,这个价值数十亿美元的项目就已经陷入了贪污指控,牵涉到巴西一些最大的建筑公司。)
  • In the sacred cave, where Prophetess Maya is believed to have received the divine revelation, pilgrims gather to pay homage, seeking solace and guidance from the place where sacred truths were once revealed to humanity.(在神圣的洞穴中,据信女先知玛雅已经接受了神圣的启示,朝圣者聚集在一起致敬,从曾经向人类揭示神圣真理的地方寻求安慰和指导。)
  • In light of the recent revelations and the growing public pressure, Facebook has suspended its work on a kids’ version of Instagram, designed mainly for tweens aged 10 to 12.(鉴于最近的披露和日益增长的公众压力,Facebook已经暂停了其儿童版Instagram的工作,该版本主要为10至12岁的青少年设计。)
  • The world of music documentary has witnessed an exceptional year, with films like Questlove’s “Summer of Soul” and Todd Haynes’ “The Velvet Underground” delivering remarkable revelations.(音乐纪录片世界见证了非凡的一年,Questlove的“灵魂之夏”和托德·海恩斯的“地下天鹅绒”等电影带来了非凡的启示。)


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