  1. Retrofit” means to update or modify something that already exists to make it better, safer, or more modern. It’s like giving an old thing new features or improvements to keep it up-to-date. People retrofit things like houses, cars, or machines to make them work better or be more environmentally friendly.
  2. The factory has been retrofitted to meet the new safety regulations.
  3. According to news reports, Californians can get $3,000 grants to retrofit homes for earthquake safety.
  4. As VP of Horizon, Sharma, who is based in the Seattle area, oversaw various VR projects such as the Horizon Worlds social media service, which is akin to the online game Second Life that’s been retrofitted to virtual reality.
  5. I understand you have retrofitted an old Mercedes with an electric engine, and that you have a few patents on a system to turn solid waste into fuel.


  1. Retrofit这个单词既可作动词使用,又可以充当名词。做动词时其表示“substitute new or modernized parts or equipment for older ones”这一含义,通常表达为retrofit something,即“改进/翻新/翻新改造”,与rebuild/reconstruct这些单词构成近义词。当我们说retrofit an old machine with new panels and bolts时,其核心是在表达用新的panel和bolts去替换以前老的零部件。这里核心意思是当一个“设备”的某些旧部件出现问题时,用新的东西进行替换。

  2. Retrofit也可以当名词用,其表示“a component or accessory added to something, or the act of adding a component or accessory to something”这一含义,即“零件/部件”或“翻新、升级行为”,与component/addition构成近义词。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • In recent years, an increasing number of New energy vehicle companies call on consumers to retrofit their cars with the new fuel system.(近年来,越来越多的新能源汽车公司呼吁消费者用新的燃料系统改造他们的汽车。)
  • While Walmart’s vehicles are Ford vans retrofitted with autonomous driving tech, the Loblaw fleet will consist of larger, refrigerated box trucks.(虽然沃尔玛的车辆是福特面包车,采用自动驾驶技术改装,但Loblaw车队将由更大的冷藏箱式卡车组成。)
  • The company mandated a retrofit on all its machines.(该公司要求对其所有机器进行改造。)
  • These newly developed equipments have been used efficiently in seismic retrofit of existing steel or reinforced concrete buildings.(这些新开发的设备已被有效地用于现有钢结构或钢筋混凝土建筑的抗震改造。)
  • The solar panels on the house are a retrofit for many Chinese rural families.(房子上的太阳能电池板是许多中国农村家庭的改造。)



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