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- To resuscitate means to bring someone or something back to life or consciousness after they have stopped breathing or functioning normally. It is usually done through the use of medical procedures, such as chest compressions or the use of a defibrillator, to restart the heart and restore breathing. The word can also be used more generally to mean reviving or revitalizing something that has declined or become inactive, such as a business or a friendship.
- The movie may have increased Lohan’s fame, but it is unlikely to bring her career back to life and resuscitate it.
- Reviving ancient comedy is nearly as difficult as resuscitating a mummy, and this renovated old property engenders an impressive quantity of hilarity.
- The industry attempted to recover by offering a government bonus for the production of manufactured piece goods a few years ago to resuscitate it.
- While country music has witnessed many comebacks, over the years, many of the genre’s leaders have been revived by the creativity of young musicians and studio magicians to resuscitate their careers.
- Detroit is still struggling to overcome the 2008 financial crisis, and the two banks have committed to assisting in resuscitating the city and its damaged housing market.
- The authorities have also stated that the injections should only be given in facilities capable of resuscitating patients if necessary, such as administering epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.
- Resuscitate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“bring someone or something back to life or consciousness”以及“revive or revitalize something that has declined”这两种含义,即“使苏醒/使恢复知觉”与“复苏/复活”,与revive/renew/revitalize/resurrect这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Even if doctors resuscitate patients and bring them to the hospital in time, they may still be unable to breathe on their own due to severe paralysis.(即使医生及时使患者恢复知觉并把他们送往医院,这些病人仍可能因严重瘫痪而无法自行呼吸。)
–Science - According to two sources with knowledge of the plan, Twitter has explored the idea of selling user names as a way to generate revenue and help Elon Musk resuscitate the company’s business.(据两位了解该计划的消息人士称,Twitter已经探索了出售用户名的想法,以此作为创收并帮助埃隆马斯克恢复公司业务的一种方式。)
–Business - Hamlin made a remarkable recovery after being resuscitated and transported by ambulance to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.(哈姆林在被救护车救护车送往辛辛那提大学医学中心并得到抢救苏醒后取得了巨大的康复效果。)
–Sports - He intentionally leased an Airbus to transport his customers between Stockholm and Bangkok while 15 Boeing technicians worked to resuscitate a disabled airplane.(他故意租了一架空中客车在斯德哥尔摩和曼谷之间运送他的客户,而15名波音技术人员则在努力修复一架破败的飞机。)
–News - She was the first person to resuscitate and broadly apply the principle of liberty in Europe, which included restoring humanity’s entitlement to nobility, such as industry, commerce, poetry, arts, sciences, and free thought.(她是第一个在欧洲复兴和广泛应用自由原则的人,其中包括恢复人类对贵族的权利,如工业、商业、诗歌、艺术、科学和自由思想。)
–Literature - Curators and gallerists say that a surge in women-themed surveys being featured in at least a dozen galleries and museums is shedding light on neglected artists, resuscitating some careers, and increasing the commercial potential of others.(策展人和画廊主表示,至少有十几家画廊和博物馆以女性为主题的调查激增这一事实正在推广被忽视的艺术家,复苏一些职业,以及增加其他人的商业潜力。)