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- The word “restitution” refers to the act of restoring something that has been lost or taken, or compensating for some wrong or injury that has been done. In a broader sense, it involves making amends or giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or suffering caused.
- On Friday, the Metropolitan Museum of Art announced that it has appointed a Sotheby’s executive to the newly established position of head of provenance research, as part of its intensified efforts to pursue restitution investigations.
- The estate of Mr. Epstein has disbursed around $150 million in restitution to over 125 victims, who may also be eligible for additional compensation from agreements with Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan.
- As we noted in a recent contribution to Climate Policy, individuals affected by human-induced climate change are expected to increasingly seek restitution from those responsible for the harm they’ve endured.
- In a Tuesday filing, Apple sought monetary damages for Epic’s payment system, requesting restitution and disgorgement of all earnings, profits, and other gains illicitly obtained by Epic through its conduct.
- Restitution这个单词做名词使用,其表示“the act of acknowledging wrongdoing and taking steps to amend the situation voluntarily”这一含义,即“赔偿/补偿/恢复”,与compensation /restoration/damages/amends等单词构成近义词。这个词在法律、道德、金融和文化领域中应用广泛,强调的是通过某种方式补偿或修复原先的损失或不公行为。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Re/code reports that it has acquired an internal memo from Apple, in which CEO Tim Cook expresses considerable annoyance about the lawsuit and mentions that the company had plans to provide restitution already.(Re/code 报道称,其获得了一份苹果公司的内部备忘录,其中首席执行官蒂姆·库克表达了对诉讼的相当恼怒,并提到公司已经计划提供赔偿。)
–Technology - Mucus, produced by goblet cells, contains heavily glycosylated mucin proteins and other protective molecules like trefoil factor, which help in the restitution and repair of epithelial tissues.(黏液是由杯状细胞产生的,其中含有大量糖基化的黏蛋白和其他保护分子,如三叶因子,这些分子有助于上皮组织的恢复和修复。)
–Science - Jackson stated that the NCAA’s restitution rule was created to penalize schools and student-athletes and prevent legal disputes, typically imposing discipline after a player has departed from campus.(杰克逊表示,NCAA 的赔偿规则是为了惩罚学校和学生运动员,并防止法律纠纷,通常在球员离开校园后才会施加处罚。)
–Sports - In his Thursday order, Gardephe addressed a request from prosecutors that Avenatti be ordered to pay $1 million in restitution to Nike for the attorney fees incurred in the case.(在他周四的命令中,加德菲解决了检察官的请求,要求阿文纳蒂支付100万美元的赔偿给耐克,用于案件中发生的律师费用。)
–Business - While Nigeria claims that the Bronzes are part of its cultural heritage from recent centuries, it is more challenging for countries to seek the restitution of prehistoric objects without examining the specific conditions of their removal.(尽管尼日利亚声称青铜器是其近几个世纪的文化遗产的一部分,但对于国家来说,如果没有审查特定的移除条件,要求归还史前物品就更具挑战性。)
–Arts and Culture