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  • 发音:[rɪˈpruf]

  • 例句

  1. Reproof means an expression of disapproval or criticism for a fault or mistake made by someone, often with the intention of correcting or improving their behavior.
  2. In fact, they have continued to insist on their right to debate and challenge church teaching, which has resulted in the Vatican’s reproof.
  3. The Book of Acts describes Christians’ first book-burning celebration as a big success, but in the modern age, highly publicized reproof seems to spark a tremendous rise in sales.
  4. In fact, Zuckerberg’s reproof was directed at another board member, Marc Andreessen, for an ill-advised series of tweets that appeared to express nostalgia for colonial rule of India.

  • 解释:

  1. Reproof做名词使用,其表示“an often public or formal expression of disapproval”这一含义,即“反对/反驳/谴责/非难/指责”,与condemnation/rebuke/disapproval这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • At the same time he never hesitated to express his opinion in “plain language”, and from him the fiery Prince seems to have accepted both counsel and reproof, without resentment.(同时,他毫不犹豫地用“通俗易懂的语言”表达自己的意见,从他那里,热情的王子似乎接受了劝告和责备,没有怨恨。)
  • Had he been as haughty and ill-natured as some savages, the result might have been disastrous, but he took the reproof meekly and mended his manners instead of retaliating.(如果他像一些野蛮人一样傲慢和心怀不轨,结果可能是灾难性的,但他温顺地接受了指责,并纠正了他的举止而不是报复。)
  • Not long after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Democratic Socialists of America released a statement that drew instant reproof.(俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后不久,美国民主社会主义者发表了一份声明,立即引起了谴责。)
  • Britain’s abolition of slavery in 1807 was partly a reproof, a counterdemonstration, England’s own bloodless revolution.(英国在1807年废除奴隶制,部分是一种反驳,一种反示威,是英国自己的不流血革命。)



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