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  1. The word replicate means to reproduce or copy something exactly or very closely. In other words, it means to create an identical or nearly identical version of something that already exists.
  2. The term replicate is commonly used in fields such as science, technology, and manufacturing. In science, researchers often need to replicate experiments to confirm the results or test the reliability of findings; they do this by repeating the experiment as closely as possible to the original, to see if they get the same or similar results.
  3. Plastic’s toughness, adaptability, and versatility make it a challenging material to duplicate.
  4. A site that replicates Google Street View is presenting an immersive, 360-degree journey along Ukraine’s devastated streets.
  5. There have been concerns about trademark infringement, as artificially produced images have replicated NBC’s peacock emblem, albeit with unrecognizable letters, and depicted Coca-Cola’s recognizable curvy logo with additional O’s incorporated into the name.
  6. According to Salo, despite the female swimmers’ best efforts, they were unable to replicate the results of their male counterparts.


  1. Replicate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“make an exact copy of something”这一含义,即“复制/(精确地)仿制/再造/再生”,与repeat/reproduce/duplicate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Players claim that the experience cannot be duplicated, even in a well-established amateur league such as the top tier of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association, which includes the New York Rollin’ Knicks.(球员们声称,即使在一个成熟的业余联赛中,这种体验也无法复制,比如国家轮椅篮球协会的顶级联赛,其中包括纽约罗林尼克斯队。)
  • Scientists have created a biomimetic tongue that replicates the texture, surface distribution, and mechanical properties of a human tongue to comprehend how the process functions at a molecular level.(科学家们创造了一种仿生舌头,可以精确仿制人类舌头的质地、表面分布和机械特性,以了解该过程在分子水平上的运作方式。)
  • Ecologist Thomas Ray has developed the virtual universe Tierra, which contains entities that replicate, mutate, and compete against one another from generation to generation, as an example.(生态学家托马斯·雷开发了虚拟宇宙Tierra,其中包含代代相传的复制,变异和相互竞争的实体。)
  • Numerous alternative protein firms are releasing or have already released their initial batch of plant-based fillets, assuring to replicate the flavor and texture of actual fish.(许多替代蛋白质公司正在发布或已经发布了第一批植物性鱼片,以确保再生实际鱼类的风味和质地。)
  • Velong has expanded its facilities in countries like Vietnam and Cambodia because customers are worried about being too reliant on China, even though it is difficult to duplicate China’s productivity and efficiency in other locations.(Velong在越南和柬埔寨等国家扩大了设施,因为客户担心过于依赖中国,尽管在其他地方很难复制中国的生产力和效率。)
  • While many cookbook authors and recipe developers currently use this popular approach, Adler desired to accomplish more than writing a manual for replicating her own tastes.(虽然目前许多食谱作者和食谱开发人员都在使用这种流行的方法,但阿德勒希望完成的不仅仅是编写一本复制自己口味的手册。)


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