Image by benzoix

  • 发音: [rɪˈlʌktənt]

  • 例句:

  1. When you are reluctant to do something, then you show an unwillingness to do it either because you doubt that or you feel uncertain about it.
  2. I’m reluctant to let you borrow my favorite collection of books since you never give back anything I lend you.
  3. As a result of small market share and the significant upfront costs involved, solar companies have been reluctant to venture into the cold storage technology business.
  4. Microsoft, Google, Meta and other companies have been reluctant to release many of these technologies because they could impair their established brands.
  5. Americans are reluctant to attend sporting events, concerts, and other public gatherings before there is a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, recent polling showed Tuesday.
  6. Apple is also famously reluctant to rely on any individual supplier too heavily, with its history showing a diversified supply chain for displays and other components.

  • 解释:

  1. Reluctant这个单词做形容词使用,其表示”unwilling to do something“这一含义,即”不情愿的/不愿意的/勉强的“,与hesitant/unwilling这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Many people remain in a quarantine mindset, reluctant to subject ourselves to large crowds and enclosed public spaces.(许多人仍然处于隔离心态,不愿意让自己暴露在人群和封闭的公共空间中。)
  • While the benefits of moving money into a higher-paying account may seem obvious, a lot of people are not doing that, and money experts say there are reasons people may be reluctant.(虽然将资金转移到高薪账户的好处似乎很明显,但很多人并没有这样做,资金专家表示,人们可能不愿意这样做是有原因的。)
  • Although acceptance of the vaccine is notching up, Black and Hispanic Americans — among the groups hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic — remain among the most reluctant to roll up their sleeves.(尽管对疫苗的接受度正在上升,但黑人和西班牙裔美国人——受冠状病毒大流行打击最严重的群体之一——仍然是最不愿意采取行动的人。)
  • Biden has worked to hold together the Western coalition despite the global upheaval the war has caused, and he has spent hours on the phone with leaders who have been reluctant to support Ukraine.(尽管战争造成了全球动荡,但拜登一直在努力将西方联盟团结在一起,他花了几个小时与不愿支持乌克兰的领导人通电话。)


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