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- The word “ramification” means the result or consequence of an action, decision, or event, especially when they are complex or unwelcome. It’s like when you throw a stone into a pond, and it creates ripples that spread out wider and wider.
- Similarly, when something happens (like making a decision or taking an action), it can lead to other things happening as a result, which might be more complicated than you first thought. For example, if you decide not to study for a big test, the immediate ramification might be that you get a bad grade. But there can be more ramifications later on, like your parents getting upset, your overall grade dropping, or having trouble understanding future lessons.
- This year, the Broadway League has decided to publish collective weekly earnings instead of detailing them by each show, making it challenging to precisely understand the financial ramifications as they emerge.
- Recently, the S.E.C. concluded a settlement with the Kraken crypto exchange, leading to the discontinuation of a popular investment product in the U.S. market, a decision that could have significant ramifications for the entire industry.
- Beyond its physical impact, Alzheimer’s disease also brings about psychological, social, and economic ramifications, affecting not just those diagnosed with the condition but also their loved ones and caregivers.
- These decisions have important ramifications for how smartphone apps are used to track interactions between people, making it easier to identify and alert those who have been in contact with a virus carrier.
- Ramification这个单词做名词使用,其表示“ an accidental consequence that complicates things”这一含义,即“众多复杂而又难以预料的)结果,后果”,与consequence/outcome/implication等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Facebook’s management has made numerous adversaries, including politicians/regulators, tech leaders, consumers, and employees, positioning the company to face enduring negative ramifications on its business operations.(Facebook的管理层树敌众多,包括政治家/监管者、科技领袖、消费者和员工,这使得公司面临其商业运营的持续负面影响。)
–Technology - Matthias Prange emphasizes the importance of understanding climate variability at different timescales, because this knowledge might reveal ramifications for future climate change that could lead to unexpected and negative consequences for societies.(Matthias Prange强调了理解不同时间尺度上气候变异性的重要性,因为这种知识可能揭示对未来气候变化可能导致的意想不到且负面的社会后果。)
–Science - Rodgers’ decision is viewed as a major event of the NFL’s offseason, and it could carry significant ramifications for multiple teams looking to trade for the Super Bowl-winning quarterback.(罗杰斯的决定被视为NFL休赛期的一大事件,它可能对多支希望交易这位超级碗获胜四分卫的球队产生重大影响。)
–Sports - Halting imports from the four countries for several months could have long-term ramifications on the multibillion-dollar solar industry and impede the Biden administration’s ambitious objectives to accelerate renewable energy development in the fight against climate change.(暂停从这四个国家进口数月可能对价值数十亿美元的太阳能产业产生长期影响,并阻碍拜登政府加快发展可再生能源以对抗气候变化的雄心目标。)
–Business - “Swan Song,” a science-fiction drama by Benjamin Cleary, explores a theme of cloning that’s focused on developing emotional intelligence as well as addressing the existential and practical ramifications of such actions.(《天鹅终曲》,一部由本杰明·克利里编剧和导演的科幻剧情片,探讨了克隆主题,不仅关注于发展情感智能,也处理了这种行为的存在和实际后果。)
–Arts and Culture