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  • The word “qualm” is used to describe a feeling of unease, doubt, or hesitation, often related to moral or ethical concerns. When someone experiences a qualm, they are typically unsure or uneasy about a decision or action they are about to take.
  • Having an arsenal of successful Star Wars movies, an endless treasure trove of Marvel content, and the imminent addition of Avatar, Disney can pursue its ambitious expansion plans without facing any qualms.
  • Delaware officials have no qualms about including names like “Illegal Civilization Inc.” or “Illegal People Touring Inc.” in the state’s list of around 1.3 million business entity names, despite deeming “Illegal Pete’s” too offensive.
  • The introduction of self-driving cars initially raised qualms about safety and reliability, but with continuous advancements in AI technology and rigorous testing, these vehicles have become a promising solution for reducing accidents and improving transportation efficiency.
  • The new scientific theory proposed by Dr. Smith faced initial qualms from the scientific community, but through rigorous experimentation and peer-reviewed studies, it gradually gained acceptance as a groundbreaking advancement in our understanding of the natural world.
  • Despite a few qualms from fans and critics, LeBron James’s decision to join the Los Angeles Lakers proved to be a strategic move that revitalized the team’s performance and brought them back into championship contention.

  • Qualm这个单词做名词使用,其表示“an uneasiness about the fitness of an action”这一含义,即“怀疑/不安/顾虑/疑虑”,与anxiety/doubt/unease/hesitation/concern这些单词构成近义词。

  • 具体使用场景如下:
  1. Despite some initial qualms about the young athlete’s abilities, Maria’s consistent dedication to her training and remarkable improvement in her performance quickly silenced doubters and turned her into a rising star in the tennis world.(尽管最初对这位年轻运动员的能力有些疑虑,但玛丽亚对训练的一贯奉献和表现的显着提高迅速压制了怀疑者,并使她成为网球界的一颗冉冉升起的新星。)
  2. Dr. Johnson’s groundbreaking research faced qualms from established scientists who were reluctant to embrace his unconventional ideas, but as his experiments yielded consistent and replicable results, the scientific community began to acknowledge the validity of his findings.(约翰逊博士的开创性研究面临着知名科学家的怀疑,他们不愿意接受他的非常规想法,但随着他的实验产生一致且可复制的结果,科学界开始承认他的发现的有效性。)
  3. The launch of the new smartphone model raised qualms among consumers who were skeptical about its promised features, but as reviews started pouring in praising its innovative design and enhanced functionality, the doubts transformed into excitement and anticipation.(新智能手机型号的推出引起了消费者的不安,他们对其承诺的功能持怀疑态度,但随着评论开始称赞其创新设计和增强的功能,怀疑转化为兴奋和期待。)
  4. Traditional art enthusiasts initially harbored qualms about the controversial art exhibit due to its avant-garde approach, but as more individuals engaged with its thought-provoking pieces, the exhibit gained recognition for its boundary-pushing nature and its ability to foster meaningful conversations.(由于其前卫的方式,传统艺术爱好者最初对这个有争议的艺术展览感到不安,但随着越来越多的人参与其发人深省的作品,该展览因其突破边界的性质和促进有意义的对话的能力而获得认可。)
  5. The adoption of a remote work policy stirred concerns among managers who worried about decreased productivity, but as efficient communication tools and clear performance metrics were implemented, these qualms were alleviated as employees showcased their capacity to excel in the newly flexible work environment.(远程工作政策的采用引起了担心生产力下降的管理人员的担忧,但随着高效的沟通工具和明确的绩效指标的实施,随着员工在新灵活的工作环境中展示出类拔萃的能力,这些疑虑得到了缓解。)


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