Image by Ron Lach
- When using the word proximate to describe things, we want to express the meaning that those things are very close in time, space, degree, or significance.
- Hale found that there were ample facts supporting the allegation that the protesters’ injuries were a “direct and proximate result” of Trump’s actions.
- The SEC must be held accountable and responsible for its own negligent actions and inactions that directly and proximately caused the loss of billions of investor funds.
- They think gaining a better understanding of the proximate causes of that breakdown may help advance studies of degenerative bone diseases including osteoporosis.
- The energy industry discovers that these old-fashioned communities are proximate to oil or gas reserves, and they are plunged into contemporary life.
- Proximate这个单词做形容词使用 ,其表示“being soon to appear or take place, or being close in time, space, or significance”这一含义,即“接近的/临近的/相近的/直接的”,与approaching/imminent/impending这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- There are two proximate causes: Poor diets marked by overeating and eating fatty and sugary foods and drinks, and a lack of physical activity.(有两个相近的原因:以暴饮暴食和吃脂肪和含糖食物和饮料为特征的不良饮食,以及缺乏体力活动。)
—Science - It’s unclear what the proximate cause was for Sunday’s abrupt shutdown, but the site’s operators said they are doing “all we can to resume operations as promptly as possible.”(目前还不清楚“周日”突然关闭的直接原因是什么,但该网站的运营商表示,他们正在“尽我们所能尽快恢复运营”。)
—News - Based upon the information learned during the investigation, the report determined that the proximate cause of this tragedy was the direct result of avoidable human error, compounded by process and equipment failures.(根据调查期间了解到的信息,该报告确定,这场悲剧的直接原因是可避免的人为错误的直接结果,再加上过程和设备故障。)
—Technology - Philosophy is distinct from the special sciences because while the latter seek the proximate, the former seeks the ultimate grounds, reasons and causes of all the facts of human experience.(哲学不同于具体科学,因为后者寻求近似的东西,而前者则寻求人类经验的所有事实的最终基础、原因和原因。)