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  1. The word propensity refers to a natural tendency or inclination that someone or something has towards a particular behavior or action. It describes a likelihood or preference to behave or act in a certain way.
  2. In the case of humans, the propensity to care for the young is a fundamental aspect of parenting. It involves providing love, support, guidance, and meeting the physical, emotional, and social needs of children. This inclination is deeply rooted in our biology and is essential for the survival and well-being of future generations.
  3. Throughout the majority of its existence, a star maintains a delicate balance: the natural propensity to collapse due to its gravitational pull is negated by the energy generated from the fusion of hydrogen at its core.
  4. Companies are assessed for their “propensity” to refuse service to individuals and organizations or enforce ideological compromises based on their political and religious viewpoints, leading to their classification as “high risk,” “medium risk,” or “lower risk.”
  5. The Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung, aimed at showcasing its innovative prowess and rivaling Apple in the worldwide smartphone arena, instead exhibited a propensity to spontaneously ignite, leading to its recall.
  6. Various renowned social-science experiments, along with the entirety of human history, inform us that our kind has a tremendous propensity, and maybe even a strong preference, for displaying unkind behavior.

  1. Propensity这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a natural tendency to behave in a certain way”这一含义,即“

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Visitors to Las Vegas have demonstrated a notable propensity for taking a break from Cirque du Soleil shows and attending performances by their preferred musicians when they make a stop on The Strip.(拉斯维加斯的游客表现出一种明显的癖好,即在太阳马戏团的演出中休息一下,并在拉斯维加斯大道停留时观看他们喜欢的音乐家的表演。)
  • Increasing evidence suggests that older adults are prone to experiencing cognitive challenges following COVID-19, in contrast to younger individuals. This vulnerability can be partly attributed to the propensity of older individuals to have pre-existing medical conditions.(越来越多的证据表明,与年轻人相比,老年人在COVID-19后更容易遇到认知挑战。这种脆弱性可部分归因于老年人具备过往病史状况的倾向。)
  • While children may initially vary in their inherent propensity towards generosity or other traits, as parents, we have the ability to guide and shape their tendencies in the desired direction.(虽然孩子最初可能会在慷慨或其他特征的内在习性上有所不同,但作为父母,我们有能力引导和塑造他们的倾向。)
  • During his tenure at Google, Kinnier became aware of the company’s propensity to rapidly introduce products to the market and promptly reach the products to the hands of users.(在谷歌任职期间,Kinnier意识到公司倾向于迅速将产品推向市场,并迅速将产品送到用户手中。)
  • In numerous instances, an artist’s mere involvement in hip-hop is portrayed as a moral flaw, implying a propensity towards real-life violence and moral decline.(在许多情况下,艺术家仅仅参与嘻哈音乐就被描绘成一种道德缺陷,暗示着现实生活中的暴力和道德堕落的脾性。)


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